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Late-Breaking Abstract CIO 2022-32

CIO 2022-32 Initial Experience With Biodegradable Esophageal Stents in the Management of Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer

Tapia H, Nieto M, Paolo K

Purpose: Initial experience with biodegradable esophageal stents in the management of locally advanced esophageal cancer.

Methods: In the management of esophageal cancer, most patients will require treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, these conditions by themselves limit the adequate nutritional status of patients associated with their background cancer, so that to be candidates for these therapies many of those will need procedures such as Gastrostomy that limit their quality of life.  In this research study we describe our initial experience with the placement and management of Biodegradable Esophageal Stents in the management of patients diagnosed with locally advanced esophageal cancer.  Our work premise is to improve the quality of life of patients with locally advanced cancer during the time they receive chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment, maintaining oral nutrition, as well as the possibility of re-establishing a normal diet to respond satisfactorily to the applied therapies. before a possible curative surgical event or as palliative therapy if healing is possible.

Results: The universe includes all patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer with limited oral intake who receive biodegradable esophageal stents in order to improve their quality of life during the administration of therapies such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Tabulation Pending.

Conclusions: The use of biodegradable esophageal stents in the management of patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer allows adequate nutrition to receive the indicated therapies, maintaining oral intake and improving quality of life. Its use also allows maintaining the possibility of surgical cure, in case of no cure it does not limit the subsequent placement of metal stents.

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