Multidimensional Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia: Interim Analysis of Clinician-Reported Measures in the IMPACT-TD Registry
Abstract: Background: The IMPACT-TD scale is a newly developed clinical tool to assess the multidimensional impact of tardive dyskinesia (TD) on patients’ quality of life (QoL).
Methods: IMPACT-TD Registry is an ongoing, phase 4, 3-year longitudinal study with visits every ≈3 months. Patients aged ≥18 years with a score of ≥2 on at least one item of the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) and probable TD or, alternatively, who are on VMAT2 inhibitor therapy, were included. Baseline enrollment data on the multidimensional impact of TD was measured with the IMPACT-TD scale, and TD severity assessed by AIMS and Clinical Global Impression of Severity of TD (CGIS-TD) were included for this interim analysis of clinician-reported data.
Results: 286 patients (mean age, 51.8 years; 50% male; 56% White) were included and showed varied TD severity (CGIS-TD [n=246], 23% mild, 37% moderate, 21% markedly severe) at enrollment. With IMPACT-TD (n=251), clinicians reported that 98% of patients experience the impact of TD on some aspect of their QoL. Most patients (83%) experience moderate/severe impact (59% in the social domain, 70% psychological/psychiatric, 53% physical, and 57% vocational/educational/recreational); 73% experience moderate/severe impact in >1 domain, and 28% in all four domains. 54% and 61% of patients with very mild and mild TD movements on CGIS-TD, respectively, experience moderate/severe impact, as well as 74% and 88% of patients with AIMS dyskinesia scores 1–6 and 7–14.
Conclusion: In this large, inclusive study, clinicians reported that TD has multidimensional impacts, even in patients with mild TD severity.Short Description: This real-world, multi-center observational study used the newly developed IMPACT-TD scale to assess the functional impact of tardive dyskinesia (TD) in four domains: social, psychological/psychiatric, physical, and vocational/educational/recreational. Based on clinician assessment, 98% of patients experience the impact of TD on some aspect of their quality of life; 83% experience moderate to severe impact. Furthermore, over half of patients whose movements were deemed mild experienced moderate to severe impact of their TD.Name of Sponsoring Organization(s): Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.