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Poster 28

Differences in Patient and Healthcare Professional Perspectives on the Key Impacts of Tardive Dyskinesia

Stacy Finkbeiner,PhD

Psych Congress Elevate 2023
Abstract: Background: Physical manifestations of tardive dyskinesia (TD) impact daily activities and present a substantial psychosocial burden. This study was designed to survey differences in perception of TD impact among US-based patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs). Methods: Patients (adults with TD and schizophrenia, bipolar disorder [BD], or major depressive disorder [MDD]) and unconnected HCPs (psychiatrists, neurologists, or psychiatric nurse practitioners with ≥2 years’ experience treating patients with schizophrenia, BD, or MDD and ≥1 patient with TD) participated in online surveys; HCPs reported on a specific, recently seen patient. Respondents ranked domains by TD impact, and rated impact within domains from 0 (least impact) to 10 (most impact; impact score is average response within domain). Results: 154 patients and 150 HCPs responded to unlinked surveys. Most patients and HCPs reported the psychological/emotional domain as most impacted (40.9%, 53.3%, respectively); nearly double the patients versus HCPs reported the physical domain as most impacted (33.1%, 16.7%; PShort Description: Tardive dyskinesia (TD) impacts daily activities and presents a substantial psychosocial burden. This study was designed to investigate differences in perception of TD impact among US-based patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs) by using unlinked surveys. Patients reported significantly higher psychological/emotional, physical, social, and professional TD impact than HCPs. These results highlight the need for better dialogue between HCPs and patients.Name of Sponsoring Organization(s): Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.



