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Continuing Education Quiz

Earn continuing education credits by taking this quiz on the article that begins on page 22 of this issue. A grade of 70% or above will earn you a certificate of completion for two nationally certified continuing education hours. This is an open-book quiz. After reading the article, complete the quiz by circling one of the three multiple-choice answers for each question. Please give only one response per question. Incomplete answers will be marked as incorrect. Send a photocopy of the page along with your payment of $35 (NAADAC members) or $50 (nonmembers). Please complete fully the information section below; print clearly.

Not just any meeting

1. The author states that convincing evidence of 12-Step groups’ effectiveness with severely dependent individuals has emerged in the last:

a. 5 years.

b. 15 years.

c. 30 years.

2. This approach is cited as an empirically supported strategy to increase 12-Step attendance.

a. Imposing sanctions for missing attendance

b. Encouraging attendance at a variety of sites

c. Accompanying individuals to a meeting

3. Possible fear of offending clients is cited as a barrier to:

a. “Meeting matching.”

b. Presenting alternatives to 12-Step attendance.

c. Discussing the factors in the 12-Step process that generate change.

4. The author cites this type of 12-Step meeting as one that might not be available in the Bible Belt.

a. AA for adults

b. AA for adolescents

c. AA for atheists

5. Online meetings are cited as being potentially attractive for those in remote areas or those with:

a. Social anxiety.

b. Less severe problems.

c. Concern about AA's spiritual focus.

6. Therapists can do harm when they emphasize to the resistant client the 12-Step principles of spirituality and:

a. Mutual support.

b. Powerlessness.

c. Non-medical interventions.

7. Researchers have worked to match clients who have high levels of anger to this type of treatment technique.

a. Holistic

b. Client-centered

c. Integrated

8. The author states that very often, too much of a burden is placed on mutual support groups when this factor is missing from the client's life.

a. Steady employment

b. A positive relationship with a therapist

c. A large support network

9. The author compares his effort to match clients to suitable meetings to his effort to:

a. Introduce people to new friends.

b. Match his out-of-town guests’ activities to their interests.

c. Match a client in treatment to the proper level of care.

10. The author cites two broad and somewhat opposite meeting characteristics as Big Book meetings vs.:

a. Social meetings.

b. Spiritual meetings.

c. Age-specific meetings.

Addiction Professional 2010 November-December;8(6):36

