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Hazelden continues to make inroads in meeting the needs of the military

One of the nation’s most prominent addiction treatment facilities has become one of the leading voices for the treatment community to step forward to meet the needs of military personnel. Minnesota-based Hazelden announced this fall that it is partnering with the U.S. Navy to offer free online recovery support to Navy patients worldwide.

Navy MORE, which stands for My Ongoing Recovery Experience, will begin in mid-2010 and will feature weekly online support groups in which a counselor will adopt the role of recovery coach. Other resources available through the service will include links to relevant websites and efforts to encourage weekly commitments from personnel in recovery. The program will be structured similarly to Hazelden’s overall MORE initiative, which the organization says has been shown to improve abstinence outcomes post-treatment.

“Many active-duty Navy personnel don’t have access to support resources following addiction treatment because they are fulfilling their military duties,” says Mark Mishek, Hazelden’s president and CEO. “The Navy MORE program will connect sailors with the tools, support and fellowship they need for lasting recovery.”

This is not Hazelden’s first foray into work with the military. It has hosted Navy counselors at its Minnesota campus, where they have had an opportunity to “shadow” Hazelden clinicians. In addition, the facility has held “recovery retreats” that have become a popular destination for some recovering veterans who want to build a stronger personal foundation in the 12 Steps.

Hazelden last summer was awarded a program contract that has four one-year options. Part of the Navy MORE program will involve Hazelden training Navy clinicians so they in turn can teach Navy personnel in how to use the online system. The online resources will be presented in a language and communication style that fits well for the Navy culture, according to Hazelden.

