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The Cigarette Goes Electronic Too

A "cigarette" newly available to U.S. consumers promises to be tar-free, produce no secondhand smoke, and leave extra dollars in regular smokers’ pockets. It in essence is being advertised as removing all of the negatives of smoking—except the addiction.

The Belgian manufacturer SuperSmoker is bringing its electronic cigarette Blue to the U.S. market, initially through online orders via The device includes a battery, a nicotine gel vaporizing atomizer and a replaceable cartridge that looks and feels like a cigarette. Cartridges are sold in packs of 24, with each lasting for the equivalent number of inhalations to 4 to 6 regular cigarettes.

A news release on Blue’s availability went out just this week, but the product already is gaining much attention. A company spokesman says the American Cancer Society mentioned the electronic cigarette on its Web site, wanting to clarify that the product isn’t being marketed as a nicotine replacement therapy for individuals who want to quit smoking.

"This is strictly a nicotine delivery device," says Greg Mondshein, a U.S. press representative for the Belgian manufacturer.

Unlike an actual cigarette, the tip of Blue contains a crystal gem that shines (in blue, of course) when the user inhales. Blue certainly should produce some interesting conversations the first time someone in a public building uses one to get around an indoor smoking ban.

