Recovery & Resiliency: A Goal for Alumni Services
A friend of mine sent me a compelling report this morning: “Practice Guidelines for Resilience and Recovery-Oriented Treatment” created by DBHIDS (Department of Behavioral Health & Intellectual Disability Services). This report, developed by representatives of Philadelphia’s health system, took over 6 years to complete, and included many individuals, groups and organizations. Voices of people in recovery, family members, treatment providers, advocates and system administrators are all represented. The report is the first of three that will guide Philadelphia’s health system in “delivering services and supports that promote recovery and resilience”. Future reports will focus on system changes necessary to implement these practices and emerging federal direction and community participation in early intervention and the promotion of overall health.
This initial report covers four “domains” in its overall vision for treatment and recovery:
- 1. Assertive outreach and initial engagement
- 2. Screening, assessment, service planning and delivery
- 3. Continuing support and early re-intervention
- 4. Community connection and mobilization
As I continue to read and digest the wealth of information in this document, I will surely have more thoughts and comments. Please download your copy of the report and begin to browse. What’s your initial impression? How might you use some of this information in your work?