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NIDA lists data related to college students

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has announced online access to Monitoring the Future survey data on young adults both attending and not enrolled in college. NIDA also has announced its first-ever posting of a comprehensive list of undergraduate and graduate programs in addiction studies, numbering around 400 programs.

Among the findings for the college-age population in the 2014 Monitoring the Future data are that daily use of marijuana in the student population is more prevalent than daily use of alcohol, and the prevalence of past-month use of electronic cigarettes in the college student population is nearly 10%. This is the first time the survey asked about e-cigarette use.

The 2014 survey also found that use of the stimulant Adderall was more common among college students than among young adults not attending college, while the reverse was true for daily smoking of half a pack or more of cigarettes.


