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Medical Services

Memories of the explosiveness of Bradley Hieb's relationship with loved ones and with drugs reinforce how fortunate he now is to be in a position to
Memories of the explosiveness of Bradley Hieb's relationship with loved ones and with drugs reinforce how fortunate he now is to be in a position to
Memories of the explosiveness of...
Addiction Professional
AdCare Hospital of Worcester, Inc. New England's most comprehensive provider of alcohol and drug treatment, AdCare Hospital of Worcester is
AdCare Hospital of Worcester, Inc. New England's most comprehensive provider of alcohol and drug treatment, AdCare Hospital of Worcester is
AdCare Hospital of Worcester,...
Addiction Professional
While most evidence-based practices are individualized approaches, addiction counselors disproportionately do their work with clients in groups.1 As
While most evidence-based practices are individualized approaches, addiction counselors disproportionately do their work with clients in groups.1 As
While most evidence-based...
Addiction Professional
The January/February 2009 issue of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's SAMHSA News announced the publication of a white
The January/February 2009 issue of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's SAMHSA News announced the publication of a white
The January/February 2009 issue...
Addiction Professional
One of the key messages to emerge from this week’s much-discussed findings regarding a vaccine for cocaine dependence points out that the science may
One of the key messages to emerge from this week’s much-discussed findings regarding a vaccine for cocaine dependence points out that the science may
One of the key messages to...
Addiction Professional
Published by a practice group of the American Dietetic Association, Nutrition & Addictions: A Guide for Professionals discusses effects of specific
Published by a practice group of the American Dietetic Association, Nutrition & Addictions: A Guide for Professionals discusses effects of specific
Published by a practice group of...
Addiction Professional
While no one would argue that a surplus of services exists at any level of adolescent substance use treatment, intensive outpatient services for
While no one would argue that a surplus of services exists at any level of adolescent substance use treatment, intensive outpatient services for
While no one would argue that a...
Addiction Professional
While many addiction treatment organizations struggle under sluggish private and public funding streams, some of the more prominent players in the
While many addiction treatment organizations struggle under sluggish private and public funding streams, some of the more prominent players in the
While many addiction treatment...
Addiction Professional
Kismet Evans doesn't sugarcoat when she talks to homeless veterans, aimless young people and others whose well-being she considers part of her
Kismet Evans doesn't sugarcoat when she talks to homeless veterans, aimless young people and others whose well-being she considers part of her
Kismet Evans doesn't sugarcoat...
Addiction Professional
We all live in a celebrity culture, and celebrity addiction increasingly has become vital to it. It would be no exaggeration to say that millions of
We all live in a celebrity culture, and celebrity addiction increasingly has become vital to it. It would be no exaggeration to say that millions of
We all live in a celebrity...
Addiction Professional

