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Medical Services

A photographer who wants the best possible picture will use a tripod for the precision shot. Like a tripod for a photographer, what I call the
A photographer who wants the best possible picture will use a tripod for the precision shot. Like a tripod for a photographer, what I call the
A photographer who wants the...
Addiction Professional
Technological advances are allowing entities that conduct drug testing to expand their reach into the area of passive exposure to some drugs, with
Technological advances are allowing entities that conduct drug testing to expand their reach into the area of passive exposure to some drugs, with
Technological advances are...
Addiction Professional
Responding to some individuals’ need for a post-treatment “refresher course” in recovery principles, the Father Martin’s Ashley treatment facility in
Responding to some individuals’ need for a post-treatment “refresher course” in recovery principles, the Father Martin’s Ashley treatment facility in
Responding to some individuals’...
Addiction Professional
Individuals entering addiction treatment are usually asked a lot of questions as part of the initial assessment process. Family history, alcohol and
Individuals entering addiction treatment are usually asked a lot of questions as part of the initial assessment process. Family history, alcohol and
Individuals entering addiction...
Addiction Professional
For at least 20 years many efforts have been made to ensure that the findings of the latest addiction research are reflected in what our addiction
For at least 20 years many efforts have been made to ensure that the findings of the latest addiction research are reflected in what our addiction
For at least 20 years many...
Addiction Professional
From his office in Sydney, Australia, psychologist Gunter Swobota routinely meets with a number of adolescent patients who are, as he puts it, “well
From his office in Sydney, Australia, psychologist Gunter Swobota routinely meets with a number of adolescent patients who are, as he puts it, “well
From his office in Sydney,...
Addiction Professional
Marcy was a certified substance abuse counselor working in an intensive outpatient program. She was in recovery and had “grown up” in the counseling
Marcy was a certified substance abuse counselor working in an intensive outpatient program. She was in recovery and had “grown up” in the counseling
Marcy was a certified substance...
Addiction Professional
In Addiction Professional we have written about everything from treatment's tried-and-true approaches to compelling ideas advanced by little more
In Addiction Professional we have written about everything from treatment's tried-and-true approaches to compelling ideas advanced by little more
In Addiction Professional we...
Addiction Professional
A milestone for addiction professionals was reached this year on May 2, when National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Director Nora Volkow, MD, gave
A milestone for addiction professionals was reached this year on May 2, when National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Director Nora Volkow, MD, gave
A milestone for addiction...
Addiction Professional
Despite slight decreases in use in recent years, marijuana remains the most commonly used illicit drug in our country. More than 1.2 million
Despite slight decreases in use in recent years, marijuana remains the most commonly used illicit drug in our country. More than 1.2 million
Despite slight decreases in use...
Addiction Professional

