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Medical Services

We'll order now what they ordered then, ‘Cause everything old is new again “Everything Old Is New Again,” Peter Allen and Carole Bayer Sager DBT” is
We'll order now what they ordered then, ‘Cause everything old is new again “Everything Old Is New Again,” Peter Allen and Carole Bayer Sager DBT” is
We'll order now what they...
Addiction Professional
Alcohol and other drug addiction have had a major impact on African-Americans, destroying far too many black families and communities. The
Alcohol and other drug addiction have had a major impact on African-Americans, destroying far too many black families and communities. The
Alcohol and other drug addiction...
Addiction Professional
The types of system enhancements that can engage the recovery community and generate real progress in treatment and prevention outcomes require
The types of system enhancements that can engage the recovery community and generate real progress in treatment and prevention outcomes require
The types of system enhancements...
Addiction Professional
In the halls of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), there is general agreement that men should sponsor men and women should sponsor women. In fact, many
In the halls of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), there is general agreement that men should sponsor men and women should sponsor women. In fact, many
In the halls of Alcoholics...
Addiction Professional
The July/August 2008 issue carried an article in which author Aaron Norton wrote in reference to marijuana that “the potential accumulated risks can
The July/August 2008 issue carried an article in which author Aaron Norton wrote in reference to marijuana that “the potential accumulated risks can
The July/August 2008 issue...
Addiction Professional
After years of training clinical supervisors, I am now often asked to provide “advanced training” for a growing cadre of trained and credentialed
After years of training clinical supervisors, I am now often asked to provide “advanced training” for a growing cadre of trained and credentialed
After years of training clinical...
Addiction Professional
Legendary Ohio State University football coach Woody Hayes once quoted the great Michigan State University coach Duffy Daugherty as saying, “There
Legendary Ohio State University football coach Woody Hayes once quoted the great Michigan State University coach Duffy Daugherty as saying, “There
Legendary Ohio State University...
Addiction Professional
Photo of Mark Willenbring by Bill Branson, National Institutes of Health In the treatment community, it is
Photo of Mark Willenbring by Bill Branson, National Institutes of Health In the treatment community, it is
Photo of Mark Willenbring by...
Addiction Professional
Back in the spring, I attended the annual meeting of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) and participated in a panel
Back in the spring, I attended the annual meeting of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) and participated in a panel
Back in the spring, I attended...
Addiction Professional
It is becoming more prevalent for criminal courts, drug courts, family courts, and youth and family services agencies to order random drug and
It is becoming more prevalent for criminal courts, drug courts, family courts, and youth and family services agencies to order random drug and
It is becoming more prevalent...
Addiction Professional

