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Medical Services

In the March/April issue I offered an overview of boundaries in group psychotherapy. Examining some of these boundary issues in more detail, this
In the March/April issue I offered an overview of boundaries in group psychotherapy. Examining some of these boundary issues in more detail, this
In the March/April issue I...
Addiction Professional
Employment poses one of the major challenges for addiction clients. Clients oftentimes have criminal histories or have experienced lapses between
Employment poses one of the major challenges for addiction clients. Clients oftentimes have criminal histories or have experienced lapses between
Employment poses one of the...
Addiction Professional
Pathological gambling has been described as a chronic and progressive mental illness. The disorder is rather common, estimated to affect 1 to 2% of
Pathological gambling has been described as a chronic and progressive mental illness. The disorder is rather common, estimated to affect 1 to 2% of
Pathological gambling has been...
Addiction Professional
Picture this: I have decided I am going to buy a house. I mean, I think I want a new house; most of my friends and family members have one and they
Picture this: I have decided I am going to buy a house. I mean, I think I want a new house; most of my friends and family members have one and they
Picture this: I have decided I...
Addiction Professional
Hiding behind his hands. This is what Jimmy would resort to whenever anyone's attention drew close to him. Bent over, covering his face so that no
Hiding behind his hands. This is what Jimmy would resort to whenever anyone's attention drew close to him. Bent over, covering his face so that no
Hiding behind his hands. This is...
Addiction Professional
While there have been many advances in the treatment of addiction, relapse remains a common problem.1,2 Research indicates that 25 to 50% of people
While there have been many advances in the treatment of addiction, relapse remains a common problem.1,2 Research indicates that 25 to 50% of people
While there have been many...
Addiction Professional
You've been there: You just finished participating in a great training on a new clinical intervention, and you're enthusiastic and committed to
You've been there: You just finished participating in a great training on a new clinical intervention, and you're enthusiastic and committed to
You've been there: You just...
Addiction Professional
An introduction from Addiction Professional's Editor   This is the third in a series of six articles designed to provide you with the latest
An introduction from Addiction Professional's Editor   This is the third in a series of six articles designed to provide you with the latest
An introduction from Addiction...
Addiction Professional
Many substance abuse treatment programs are still struggling to identify the best role for medications in their clients' treatment plans. Arguing
Many substance abuse treatment programs are still struggling to identify the best role for medications in their clients' treatment plans. Arguing
Many substance abuse treatment...
Addiction Professional
All addiction and mental health professionals are familiar with this scenario. The daily challenge of identifying the best treatment plans for
All addiction and mental health professionals are familiar with this scenario. The daily challenge of identifying the best treatment plans for
All addiction and mental health...
Addiction Professional

