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Medical Services

With all of the discussion of gender-specific addiction treatment services currently taking place in the field, it is somewhat hard to believe that
With all of the discussion of gender-specific addiction treatment services currently taking place in the field, it is somewhat hard to believe that
With all of the discussion of...
Addiction Professional
China will be a major player on the world stage in the 21st century. Business knows well the impact of 1.3 billion customers on the world economy.
China will be a major player on the world stage in the 21st century. Business knows well the impact of 1.3 billion customers on the world economy.
China will be a major player on...
Addiction Professional
Working with college students can be a daunting task. They are considered adults legally, but exhibit mostly adolescent behaviors and emotions. They
Working with college students can be a daunting task. They are considered adults legally, but exhibit mostly adolescent behaviors and emotions. They
Working with college students...
Addiction Professional
It is with growing dismay that we review much of the recent literature in the field of alcohol and other sedative dependence. Our current literature
It is with growing dismay that we review much of the recent literature in the field of alcohol and other sedative dependence. Our current literature
It is with growing dismay that...
Addiction Professional
All addiction and mental health professionals are familiar with this scenario. The daily challenge of identifying the best treatment plans for
All addiction and mental health professionals are familiar with this scenario. The daily challenge of identifying the best treatment plans for
All addiction and mental health...
Addiction Professional
Nicholas A. Roes, PhD Most practitioners would agree that recovery has a spiritual component, but when it comes to defining spirituality there
Nicholas A. Roes, PhD Most practitioners would agree that recovery has a spiritual component, but when it comes to defining spirituality there
Nicholas A. Roes, PhD Most...
Addiction Professional
William Judge regrets the quiet passing of the 20-year anniversary of what he considers a seminal moment in the nation's effort to eradicate problem
William Judge regrets the quiet passing of the 20-year anniversary of what he considers a seminal moment in the nation's effort to eradicate problem
William Judge regrets the quiet...
Addiction Professional
If the government's anti-drug efforts have constituted a “War on Drugs,” then the authors of a compelling new book would contend that authorities
If the government's anti-drug efforts have constituted a “War on Drugs,” then the authors of a compelling new book would contend that authorities
If the government's anti-drug...
Addiction Professional
Numerous studies have looked at the relationship between client and therapist. This therapeutic alliance is a fundamental concept that constitutes
Numerous studies have looked at the relationship between client and therapist. This therapeutic alliance is a fundamental concept that constitutes
Numerous studies have looked at...
Addiction Professional
Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries—we cannot live without them, but can we live with the ones we create? We create boundaries, whether we are aware
Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries—we cannot live without them, but can we live with the ones we create? We create boundaries, whether we are aware
Boundaries, boundaries,...
Addiction Professional

