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Medical Services

Although addiction treatment agencies increasingly are incorporating nontraditional or alternative approaches in their practices, from drug therapy
Although addiction treatment agencies increasingly are incorporating nontraditional or alternative approaches in their practices, from drug therapy
Although addiction treatment...
Addiction Professional
Clients who enter substance abuse treatment usually have made some really bad choices. It is not surprising that some programs and self-help groups
Clients who enter substance abuse treatment usually have made some really bad choices. It is not surprising that some programs and self-help groups
Clients who enter substance...
Addiction Professional
Prenatal Exposure to Drugs/Alcohol (2nd ed.) Jeanette M. Soby; Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; Springfield, Ill., (800) 258-8980; 2006; ISBN:
Prenatal Exposure to Drugs/Alcohol (2nd ed.) Jeanette M. Soby; Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; Springfield, Ill., (800) 258-8980; 2006; ISBN:
Prenatal Exposure to...
Addiction Professional
Evidence-based practices” are the current buzzword in the behavioral health field. Without question, the development and promotion of effective
Evidence-based practices” are the current buzzword in the behavioral health field. Without question, the development and promotion of effective
Evidence-based practices” are...
Addiction Professional
Endless attempts to revive a moribund Central Park United Methodist Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, produced one flop after another. Who would have
Endless attempts to revive a moribund Central Park United Methodist Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, produced one flop after another. Who would have
Endless attempts to revive a...
Addiction Professional
It is 1 p.m., and just as I have done every Tuesday for the past eight months, I press the magnetic strip of my ID badge against the black plastic
It is 1 p.m., and just as I have done every Tuesday for the past eight months, I press the magnetic strip of my ID badge against the black plastic
It is 1 p.m., and just as I have...
Addiction Professional
Most clinicians have heard of placebo-controlled studies, but how important are such studies, and what is a placebo? As a pharmacologist, I believe
Most clinicians have heard of placebo-controlled studies, but how important are such studies, and what is a placebo? As a pharmacologist, I believe
Most clinicians have heard of...
Addiction Professional
Those of us who work with chemical dependence as the major form of addiction that we see in our group members may be thrown for a loop when
Those of us who work with chemical dependence as the major form of addiction that we see in our group members may be thrown for a loop when
Those of us who work with...
Addiction Professional
More and more substance abuse counselors, mental health professionals, and justice system officers are observing adolescents who present with a
More and more substance abuse counselors, mental health professionals, and justice system officers are observing adolescents who present with a
More and more substance abuse...
Addiction Professional
Our current work involves providing treatment to adolescents and young adults who present with an array of struggles that include behavioral
Our current work involves providing treatment to adolescents and young adults who present with an array of struggles that include behavioral
Our current work involves...
Addiction Professional

