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Medical Services

While the primary goal of addiction counseling is to assist the client to alter behavior related to use of addictive chemicals, a secondary goal is
While the primary goal of addiction counseling is to assist the client to alter behavior related to use of addictive chemicals, a secondary goal is
While the primary goal of...
Addiction Professional
After inviting you to join me in my explorations of group process in cyberspace in the November 2005 issue, and writing in the January/February issue
After inviting you to join me in my explorations of group process in cyberspace in the November 2005 issue, and writing in the January/February issue
After inviting you to join me in...
Addiction Professional
During the past decade, we have seen explosive growth in modes of communication using computers and the Internet. The reality of online treatment
During the past decade, we have seen explosive growth in modes of communication using computers and the Internet. The reality of online treatment
During the past decade, we have...
Addiction Professional
One hundred years ago, when Albert Einstein noted that mass and energy were one in the same, he turned the world on its head. A century later, this
One hundred years ago, when Albert Einstein noted that mass and energy were one in the same, he turned the world on its head. A century later, this
One hundred years ago, when...
Addiction Professional
Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches (BHOPB) is a residential alcoholism and drug abuse treatment facility in Lake Worth, Florida. The desire to
Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches (BHOPB) is a residential alcoholism and drug abuse treatment facility in Lake Worth, Florida. The desire to
Behavioral Health of the Palm...
Addiction Professional
In October 2002 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Subutex and Suboxone for treatment of opioid addiction. These sublingually
In October 2002 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Subutex and Suboxone for treatment of opioid addiction. These sublingually
In October 2002 the Food and...
Addiction Professional
Throughout history, differences be-tween men and women have been explored with a diversity of opinions postulated. It should come as no surprise,
Throughout history, differences be-tween men and women have been explored with a diversity of opinions postulated. It should come as no surprise,
Throughout history, differences...
Addiction Professional
Practitioners in recovery work need an approach that is effective with a variety of people representing an entire spectrum of personality types.
Practitioners in recovery work need an approach that is effective with a variety of people representing an entire spectrum of personality types.
Practitioners in recovery work...
Addiction Professional
Tune in to the thoughts of any addict or alcoholic deciding to take the first drink/drug of relapse. If you do not hear the exact words in the
Tune in to the thoughts of any addict or alcoholic deciding to take the first drink/drug of relapse. If you do not hear the exact words in the
Tune in to the thoughts of any...
Addiction Professional
First, an important disclaimer—Mark Publicker, MD, has no financial ties with the pharmaceutical industry. He makes sure his audience understands
First, an important disclaimer—Mark Publicker, MD, has no financial ties with the pharmaceutical industry. He makes sure his audience understands
First, an important...
Addiction Professional

