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Medical Services

Here's a news item you won't likely see: This fictitious story illustrates how strange it is to talk about “caffeine addiction” in a publication for
Here's a news item you won't likely see: This fictitious story illustrates how strange it is to talk about “caffeine addiction” in a publication for
Here's a news item you won't...
Addiction Professional
Substance Abuse Treatment with Correctional Clients: Practical Implications for Institutional and Community Settings Barbara Sims, PhD (ed.); The
Substance Abuse Treatment with Correctional Clients: Practical Implications for Institutional and Community Settings Barbara Sims, PhD (ed.); The
Substance Abuse Treatment with...
Addiction Professional
Dear Dr. Roth, I work in a small mental health unit of a large hospital. I am educated and trained and specialize in addiction therapy, group
Dear Dr. Roth, I work in a small mental health unit of a large hospital. I am educated and trained and specialize in addiction therapy, group
Dear Dr. Roth, I work in a small...
Addiction Professional
So many of our clients face the challenges of both addiction and depression that a working knowledge of depression has become a prerequisite for
So many of our clients face the challenges of both addiction and depression that a working knowledge of depression has become a prerequisite for
So many of our clients face the...
Addiction Professional
Asked about the factors that might make addiction treatment services for the Asian-American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) population different from those
Asked about the factors that might make addiction treatment services for the Asian-American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) population different from those
Asked about the factors that...
Addiction Professional
Certain trends in our culture start on the coasts and work their way to the middle of the country, or start with specific groups of people and then
Certain trends in our culture start on the coasts and work their way to the middle of the country, or start with specific groups of people and then
Certain trends in our culture...
Addiction Professional
The recovering community largely has been responsible for defining the term “alcoholic.” To members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), anyone who believes
The recovering community largely has been responsible for defining the term “alcoholic.” To members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), anyone who believes
The recovering community largely...
Addiction Professional
I spoke with a coworker who has stated to me several times an interest in dream work. However, he has found it difficult to elicit clients' dreams
I spoke with a coworker who has stated to me several times an interest in dream work. However, he has found it difficult to elicit clients' dreams
I spoke with a coworker who has...
Addiction Professional

