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Medical Services

Three Steps to Overcoming Obstacles to MAT
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is widely considered the gold standard for treating opioid use disorder (OUD) when combined with behavioral therapies. Yet the number of primary care providers practicing MAT remains stubbornly low. Medical...
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is widely considered the gold standard for treating opioid use disorder (OUD) when combined with behavioral therapies. Yet the number of primary care providers practicing MAT remains stubbornly low. Medical...
Medication-assisted treatment...
Addiction Professional
Besides showing that agonist medications for opioid use disorder (OUD) strongly protect against overdose death during treatment, a newly published data analysis has found that the period after medication treatment ends carries substantial...
Besides showing that agonist medications for opioid use disorder (OUD) strongly protect against overdose death during treatment, a newly published data analysis has found that the period after medication treatment ends carries substantial...
Besides showing that agonist...
Addiction Professional
The New England and Appalachia regions have been immersed in addressing the opioid crisis for years, but by no means have found all the answers to maximizing crisis response. A multi-state initiative funded by the Health Resources and...
The New England and Appalachia regions have been immersed in addressing the opioid crisis for years, but by no means have found all the answers to maximizing crisis response. A multi-state initiative funded by the Health Resources and...
The New England and Appalachia...
Addiction Professional
Besides confirming its earlier reports of substantial increases in positive drug test rates for methamphetamine and rising co-occurrence of fentanyl with several drugs, the latest data from Millennium Health suggest increasing use of the...
Besides confirming its earlier reports of substantial increases in positive drug test rates for methamphetamine and rising co-occurrence of fentanyl with several drugs, the latest data from Millennium Health suggest increasing use of the...
Besides confirming its earlier...
Addiction Professional
Researchers who are exploring various vaccine approaches for drug addiction have reported discovering a new formulation that could have potential in addressing cocaine dependence. The vaccine has been tested only in mice to this...
Researchers who are exploring various vaccine approaches for drug addiction have reported discovering a new formulation that could have potential in addressing cocaine dependence. The vaccine has been tested only in mice to this...
Researchers who are exploring...
Addiction Professional
The absence of an approved medication treatment for stimulant dependence has intensified the effort to identify existing drugs or drug combinations that could help reduce craving and improve treatment engagement. But history reminds that hype...
The absence of an approved medication treatment for stimulant dependence has intensified the effort to identify existing drugs or drug combinations that could help reduce craving and improve treatment engagement. But history reminds that hype...
The absence of an approved...
Addiction Professional
The two main conclusions of the Emerging Threats Report 2019 from the National Emerging Threats Initiative (NETI) likely will not surprise many who are involved in anti-drug efforts: The trend that fueled the opioid crisis has peaked and...
The two main conclusions of the Emerging Threats Report 2019 from the National Emerging Threats Initiative (NETI) likely will not surprise many who are involved in anti-drug efforts: The trend that fueled the opioid crisis has peaked and...
The two main conclusions of the...
Addiction Professional
The serious lung injuries that have been linked with use of vaping products can often be mistaken for other illnesses, leading to the potential for dangerous progression of the disease, suggests a case report published Jan. 11 in the Journal...
The serious lung injuries that have been linked with use of vaping products can often be mistaken for other illnesses, leading to the potential for dangerous progression of the disease, suggests a case report published Jan. 11 in the Journal...
The serious lung injuries that...
Addiction Professional
Retention in treatment poses a significant challenge for patients receiving buprenorphine for opioid use disorder (OUD), and a new study confirms that an approach that can improve treatment engagement for some patients also carries...
Retention in treatment poses a significant challenge for patients receiving buprenorphine for opioid use disorder (OUD), and a new study confirms that an approach that can improve treatment engagement for some patients also carries...
Retention in treatment poses a...
Addiction Professional
The latest comprehensive analysis of urine drug test data from Millennium Health suggests that the “stimulant crisis” many experts are predicting might actually be playing out more narrowly as a methamphetamine crisis.
The latest comprehensive analysis of urine drug test data from Millennium Health suggests that the “stimulant crisis” many experts are predicting might actually be playing out more narrowly as a methamphetamine crisis.
The latest comprehensive...
Addiction Professional

