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Nicotine Vaping Among Leading Forms of Substance Use for Teens

Tom Valentino, Digital Managing Editor

Nicotine vaping has become a top type of substance use for teenagers in 2022, according to a national study released this month by researchers at the University of Michigan.

The study was based on data from the annual Monitoring the Future survey.

“Many people are not aware just how common nicotine vaping has become among teens,” Richard Miech, principal investigator of the study and research professor at the university’s Institute for Social Research, said in a news release. “Its use increased rapidly in 2018 and 2019, and it has stuck around since then. What began as an epidemic of teen vaping is on its way to becoming endemic.”

Relative to other substance use tracked, nicotine vaping was especially prevalent among 8th graders, with 7% reporting use within the past 30 days, compared to 6% who used alcohol and 5% who used cannabis. Meanwhile, 14% of 10th graders reported vaping nicotine within the prior 30 days, compared with 13.6% who consumed alcohol and 12% who used cannabis. Among 12th graders, the breakdown was 21% reporting nicotine vaping, 28% consuming alcohol, and 20% consuming cannabis.

Miech also noted in the news release announcing the findings that nicotine exposure in adolescence can affect brain development and increase the potential for future substance use and lead to lasting, physical addiction. Furthermore, emerging evidence suggests that e-cigarettes may also create their own health risks, such as blood vessel damage.

Currently the Food and Drug Administration is engaged in a review of tobacco-based e-cigarette products. The administration has said it expects to complete the review by June 30, 2023.



Nicotine vaping now a top form of teen substance use. News release. University of Michigan. December 15, 2022. Accessed December 19, 2022.

Castronuovo C. FDA vapor regulations caught in balancing act with youth survey. Bloomberg Law. Published online October 11, 2022.

