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Abstracts P059

TRIATLON - Triple Class Exposed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma Patients: A Real World Analysis (RWA) from the Austrian Myeloma Registry (AMR)

Willenbacher Ella
Medical University of Innsbruck, Internal Medicine V - Hematology and Oncology, Innsbruck, Austria
Clinical trials are biased towards the younger and fitter. Therefore TRIATLON compared a real-world (RW) population of MM pts. in triple exposed (TE) and/or refractory (TR) settings treated by alternative approaches to a reference population from KarMMa.
Pts. from the AMR were selected modelling inclusion criteria of KarMMa. 2 cohorts were defined: C1: TE & C2: TR.
181 pts. were recruited, 103 in C1 and 78 in C2. 55%/53% of pts. were male. 14% of pts. in C1 were over the age of 75, slightly more in C2 (21.5%). Duration of disease (DoD) – until the index treatment was 18.6 mo. in C1 vs 10.5 mo. in C2. ~ 25% of pts. had an ISS III stage in both in C1 & C2. Cytogenetics was evaluable in all pts.(!) and high risk aberrations were found to be enriched in C2 vs. C1 (18,8% vs. 24.8%). A panoply of regimes was applied in both cohorts with no clear favorite. Frequently used approaches were re-cycling of anti-CD38-MoABs (100%), as well as the use of Carfilzomib (42,7%, 44%) and pomalidomide (35%, 61%) as treatment building blocks. With respect to response rates, depth of response and TTnT significant differences between TE and TR settings could be observed in the ORR with 68.1% vs 37.8%, the clinical benefit rate 89.2% vs. 76.8%, and a VGPR or better response with 34.3% vs. 16.2%. Furthermore, responses were more durable with TTnTs of 5.5 vs. 3.7 mo.
. . We will comparatively present our data in detail to published data. and are expected to increase further with follow up. . On the other hand applicability of CAR-T cell therapy has limitations based on performance status and organ functions, as new toxicities (ICANS, CRS) can pose a serious threat to pts. Furthermore, turn-around times, bridging therapies and technical limitations substantiate the need to develop additive and/or synergistic new therapeutic principles.
John Wiley & Sons; Hoboken, USA
Source Journal
American Journal of Hematology
E ISSN 1096-8652 ISSN 0361-8609



