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Percentage of US Adults Seeking Mental Health Treatment on the Rise

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor

The percentage of US adults who received any kind of mental health treatment, those who had taken a prescription medication for their mental health, and those who received counseling or therapy from a mental health professional all increased year-over-year in 2020, according to a new data brief published by the National Center for Health Statistics.

In 2020, 20.3% of adults reported having received any form of mental health treatment in the prior 12 months, up from 19.2% surveyed in 2019. That includes 16.5% who had taken a prescription medication (vs. 15.8% a year earlier), and 10.1% who received counseling or therapy (compared to 9.5% in 2019).

The report was based on data from the National Health Interview Survey. Among its other findings:

  • Women (25.6%) were more likely to receive any form of mental health treatment compared to men (14.6%), and were also more likely to have taken medication for mental health (21.2% vs. 11.5%), or receive counseling or therapy (12.1% vs. 7.9%).
  • Non-Hispanic White (24.4%) adults were the most likely to have received any treatment, followed by Black (15.3%), Hispanic (12.6%), and Asian (7.7%) adults.
  • Likelihood of treatment for mental health across all categories—any mental health treatment, use of prescription medication, seeing a counselor/therapist—decreased with age, with the highest rates reported by adults ages 18-44, followed by those 45-64, and then those 65 and older.

Urbanization also appeared to be a differentiator with regards to mental health treatment. The percentage of adults reporting they had received any form of mental health treatment or who had taken a prescription medication increased as their reported place of residence became more rural. However, the inverse was true with regards to seeing a therapist or counselor, which was more likely as survey participants reported more urban places of residence.


