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SICP Section

March 2009 Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (SICP) News

Letter from the President: Tracy Simpson, RCIS, FSICP, RN
March 2009
SICP leadership met January 23-25, 2009 at SICP Headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina. The weekend of strategic planning brought together many longtime SICP leaders as well as several new volunteers. The group identified several initiatives that the Society would like to implement during 2009, as well as building the foundation for the next several years. We hope that this forward thinking, along with the newly involved SICP leaders, will help shape the future of the SICP. The Society had an extensive agenda which included discussion regarding member benefits, continuing education opportunities, SICP Signature RCIS Review Courses, SICP exhibiting opportunities and partnerships. The one consistent theme throughout each agenda item was the urgent need for advocacy and legislative actions. The leadership plans to continue its advocacy and legislative push for legislation/CARE bill initiatives. Plans to continue the legislative push toward national recognition and eventual push for licensure of the RCIS were discussed. Each of these initiatives will require many volunteers and time commitments. We need your involvement and participation! SICP leadership meets via e-mail daily, face-to-face annually and quarterly via teleconferencing, with the opportunity to meet more frequently if necessary. SICP will be participating in several conferences and meetings throughout 2009. See the list of SICP appearances. If you plan to attend any of these conferences please let us know at We’d love for you to stop by the SICP booth. The current SICP leadership of Jeff Davis, Darren Powell, Tracy Simpson, Belinda Trollinger and Ken Gorski have been very working hard for the membership and society for many years. They are honored to welcome new SICP leaders, Jennifer Titzer, RN, RT(R), RCIS, Everett Taylor, RCIS, FSICP, Jim Lincoln, RCIS, and Dennis Chadwick, RCIS, RCES, FSICP to the leadership group. These new additions to the leadership bring a combined fifty years of experience, new ideas and a passion for the profession that drives them to excel. If at any time you would like to contact any of the leadership, please feel free to contact them at with any questions. Many of you have met SICP Executive Director Nicole Shore, either in person or by phone and email, but for those of you that have not, she is a wealth of knowledge as well as an incredible asset to our organization. Nicole is efficient in filtering SICP business from cardiovascular business, so please feel free to ask questions and she will direct your question to the appropriate SICP leader. We also have two additional staff assistants working with SICP on a limited basis. Membership questions should be directed to Tracy Steadman, and meeting-related questions should be directed to Michelle Eggleston, We hope 2009 is off to a great start and will be a great year for all of you and for SICP. Keep in contact with SICP, attend your chapter meetings and join us for a Review Course in 2009. Keep an eye out for the next new wave of the Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals. Make 2009 the year you get involved with the SICP! Have a voice, take ownership of your profession, be a leader and help shape the future of the SICP. Coming in the April issue: Get to know the SICP leadership! ____________________________ SICP Appearances AQMIRT - Alliance for Quality Medical Imaging & Radiation Therapy Meeting Destin, FL March 29-31, 2009 SCAI – Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions Las Vegas, NV SICP Signature RCIS Review Course May 9, 2009 - more information at NCVH - New Cardiovascular Horizons New Orleans, LA SICP Signature RCIS Review Course June 18-22, 2009 - more information at TCT – Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics San Francisco, CA September 21-26, 2009 More information at SICP RCIS Signature Review Courses March 20-21, 2009 Location TBD Asheville, NC April 18-19, 2009 Emerald Coast Chapter Pensacola, FL April 25-26, 2009 Mission Health System Asheville, NC


