News from the Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (SICP)
SICP Central California Valley Chapter (CCVC) Holds Series of Successful Monthly Meetings
By Leslie Pollard, RN, BS, SICP CCVC Secretary
The SICP Central California Valley Chapter (CVCC) has held a series of successful meetings in 2012. Twenty-five people attended the March meeting, where Joe Buckley presented a talk on the subject of “Thoracic & Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms, Circulatory Arrest.” Attendance increased to 33 when Barbara Furry, RNC, BSN, MS, spoke on “Antithrombotic Therapy in the Management of Patients with Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome.” Our speaker was a very knowledgeable and entertaining in her approach to teaching the topic. She spoke on the differing types of heart conditions and the respective treatments. Afterwards, our Chair, Norman Solis, RCIS, went over many relevant and related registered cardiovascular invasive specialist (RCIS) exam questions and answers.
In May, our chapter celebrated receipt of its Board of Registered Nursing Continuing Education Permanent Provider Number. This will allow our Chapter to offer CE units for nearly all of our educational meetings. In addition, Cheryl Cochran, RN, gave the 45 attendees a very informative history of our profession in “History of Angioplasty & Evolution of the Cath Lab/CVOR.”
Coming up next, in June, Jeffrey A. Southard, MD, will speak on “Optical Coherence Tomography and Fractional Flow Reserve.”
We are also very proud of our staff members who have successfully passed the RCIS, RCS, or RCES exam. They include: