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Letters to the Editor

Thanks to Cath Lab Digest

As professionals, we don’t often take the time to thank individuals or teams of individuals who really make a difference and impact our professional lives and careers.

I have been receiving the Cath Lab Digest for many years now. I have also been on the editorial board for some time. This publication, free to anyone who works in a cath lab, is a wealth of knowledge and a great resource. From the vast numbers of subjects that are written about to cath lab staff questions that are sent in, to salary surveys....the topics go on and on. New equipment, research studies, and of course we can’t forget the “Cath Lab Spotlight” that is done in every issue. I have been trying to get my hos- pital featured, but the waiting list is long! Interesting cases are presented, advice is provided on how to design your lab, information presented about supply ordering and tracking, there are articles sharing methods of im- proving quality outcomes, as well as articles on getting your staff involved and motivated in their roles in the cath lab. Opportunities for employment, information on professional organizations and how to join, and educational information on various classes and conferences are listed also.

Rebecca Kapur, the managing editor of Cath Lab Digest, is really a motivated and enthusiastic person. She is constantly thinking of new topics that would be of interest to the readers. She is always out there asking for your ideas, your interesting cases, your experiences, and your opinions. She wants Cath Lab Digest to serve a purpose for its readers and that is to help the reader stay current with new equipment, be up-to-date on recent trials and results, and to learn what other cath lab across the country do in specific situations. Now Cath Lab Digest is on Facebook and Twitter, and has blog area where anyone can submit short articles to be posted.

Cath Lab Digest has been my bible over the years. It is a great resource guide, and you can always get any question you may have answered. The high quality of the articles written by many fellow professionals who work in the cath lab reflects the caliber of the Cath Lab Digest itself.

I just wanted to say thank you to Cath Lab Digest business and editorial staff, communications staff, and everyone who is involved in its publica- tion and distribution. You do a great job and I, for one, appreciate all your efforts. I look forward to many more years of receiving Cath Lab Digest.

Annie Ruppert RN, BSN

Sharp Memorial Hospital

San Diego, California


What wonderful, kind words! Thank you, Annie. CLD is honored to have had Annie Ruppert as an editorial board member for many years now. Her continu- ing interest and penetrating questions have helped to steer this publication and its authors, and we gratefully, and frequently, rely on her judgment.

All of us at CLD feel truly lucky to have been able to serve cath lab professionals for so many years, although we will say that CLD rests on the shoulders of its editorial board members, who provide the thoughtful article reviews and critiques that help build CLD each month. We would like to say thank you to Annie, our many excellent editorial board members, and to you, our passionate and dedicated readers.

Rebecca Kapur, Managing Editor, CLD


