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An Update from the Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (SICP)

The California Central Valley Chapter of the SICP


I wanted to update everyone on the progress and education the California Central Valley Chapter of SICP has accomplished in the last quarter of 2013.

In October, we had approximately 30 in attendance for our meeting, which was held at Cafe 225 in Visalia, CA. Two wonderful educational speakers came to our meeting and spoke on Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Criteria for cardiac alert, which was presented by cardiologist Harry Lively, MD. Our second topic was Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Management, which was presented by cardiologist Shashi Sharma, MD. Both doctors did a stunning job of teaching techniques to help with:

  1. Distinguishing AMI from ACS, compare and contrast;
  2. Describing criteria and timing for cardiac catheterization in AMI;
  3. Listing potential criteria for limiting aggressive intervention in AMI;
  4. Discussing cultural and linguistic issues as applicable.

~ In December, we had our educational evening at The Depot Restaurant in Visalia, CA, where almost 45 people attended a revealing lecture by interventional cardiologist Dr. Harry Ballian from Pasadena, CA. Dr. Ballian spoke on the topic of Current Management Strategies in the Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Focus on Antiplatelet Therapies. The lecture was very in depth and quite informative. A superb evening was had by all!   

~ Looking toward the future, our Chapter is currently applying for the ability to offer CMEs for our doctors at our meetings (which we currently offer to staff only). This will help our organization to obtain knowledgeable speakers and support our goal of educating our communities’ Cardiac Services Staff to the best possible degree. 

~ Our Chapters’ Officers are also transitioning, as we are currently training and installing new officers into the board for the California Central Valley Chapter. Our current board hopes to pass on all the advice and tools to our successors to make them as successful in the future as possible. Thank you for all you will do, and thank you to our current board for all the great achievements they have earned!

California Central Valley Chapter Board Members, 

  • Norman Solis, RNFA ~ Chair
  • Cheryl Cochran, RN ~ Co-Chair
  • Oscar Barcenas, RT ~ Treasurer
  • Leslie Archer, BA, RN ~ Secretary

SICP Advocates: 

Together we can do so much more…

As we all know, there are many changes occurring in healthcare today and we, as professionals in the invasive cardiovascular profession, are not exempt from changes that will affect our ability to serve our patients the best we can. The recognition of our field of practice and the credential which represents our field, the Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS), has never been more important. Many states formally recognize the RCIS on a limited licensure status, and SICP is working diligently to increase the number of states that recognize our professional credential as well as assist in educating policymakers regarding the benefit of appropriate minimum standards in education and credentialing on a national level.
Only together can we make a difference. SICP needs both additional volunteer leaders to assist and lead with advocacy efforts as well as financial contributions that will be utilized to strengthen our education on and the advocating for the RCIS credential to key policymakers and regulatory agencies.
Every dollar will help, and no contribution is too small. While SICP membership dues are primarily used for general operating expense and play a vital role in promoting the professional society, advocacy dollars will be designated for use on expenses specifically related to advocacy efforts.

Such advocacy efforts include:

  • Political updates.
  • Current RCIS recognition.
  • eAdvocacy Tool Kit - Information to help you advocate for health care issues that affect the RCIS profession.

What is asked of a SICP Advocate?

  • Contact your representative and senators when a call-to-action is requested by the SICP.
  • Meet with your senators and representative or their local staff if necessary. 
  • Cultivate a working relationship with your congressional members and be a resource to your legislators as well as to the SICP Advocacy Committee. 
  • Inform the SICP Advocacy Committee of your efforts so that we may share with other SICP members!

Please note that SICP is a 501(c)6 not-for-profit organization and contributions to the Advocacy Campaign are not deductible on an individual’s or company’s annual taxes. Visit to contribute.

Log in using your constituent information. If you don’t remember, just click the “forgot password” link.

Once you are logged in, select Products on the left side menu. You will see a selection of products SICP offers such as pens, bags and scrub caps. Continue to scroll, and toward the end you will see the SICP Advocates options listed:

  • $10
  • $25
  • $40
  • $55
  • $100

Donations of more than $100 are of course accepted, just contact SICP HQ to process that!
Contact Tracy Steadman at if you have any questions.

SICP: Advocacy In Action Survey

Your assistance with this project is greatly appreciated! Please send your responses to

  • Where are you located?
  • Please review your state’s Department of Public Health website. Identify language pertaining to the RCIS or allied health care professionals working in the cath lab, then please send us the website link to this page.
  • Are you willing to be the advocacy contact for your state?
  • Are there any state issues currently?


