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Grand Rounds with Morton Kern, MD

Clinical Editor's Corner

Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA

Clinical Editor; Chief of Cardiology, Long Beach VA Medical Center, Long Beach, California; Professor of Medicine, University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California

Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA...
The story of the Langston catheter’s recall and reintroduction is a real demonstration of our industry partner’s concern for patient safety and good management.
The story of the Langston catheter’s recall and reintroduction is a real demonstration of our industry partner’s concern for patient safety and good management.
The story of the Langston...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner

Dr. Morton Kern, with contributions from Drs. Malcolm Bell, Rochester, Minnesota; Sam Butman, Scottsdale, Arizona; Mauricio Cohen, Miami, Florida; Larry Dean, Seattle, Washington; Kirk Garratt, Newport, Delaware; Allen Jeremias, Long Island, New York; Aaron Kaplan, Dartmouth, New Hampshire; Dean Kereiakes, Cincinnati, Ohio; Ajay Kirtane, New York, New York; Neal Kleiman, Houston, Texas; Mitch Krucoff, Raleigh, North Carolina; Bernie Meier, Bern, Switzerland; Jeffrey Moses, New York, New York; Steve Ramee, New Orleans, Louisiana; Sunil Rao, New York City, New York; David Rizik, Scottsdale, Arizona; Will Suh, Riverside, California; Jon Tobis, Los Angeles, California; Peter Ver Lee, Bangor, Maine; Bonnie Weiner, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Dr. Morton Kern, with contributions f...
For at least a decade, we have been in a drug-eluting stent (DES) era. Almost all studies point to superiority of DES over bare metal stents with regard to restenosis, but past controversies included the incidence of thrombosis and short...
For at least a decade, we have been in a drug-eluting stent (DES) era. Almost all studies point to superiority of DES over bare metal stents with regard to restenosis, but past controversies included the incidence of thrombosis and short...
For at least a decade, we have...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner

Dr. Morton J. Kern, Long Beach, California, with Drs. Colin Berry, Glasgow, Scotland; Sam Butman, Cottonwood, Arizona; Peter Block, Atlanta, Georgia; Bernard DeBruyne, Aalst, Belgium; Gregory Dehmer, Roanoke, Virginia; Tim Henry, Cincinnati, Ohio; Spencer King, Atlanta, Georgia; Lloyd Klein, Sonoma, California; Michael Kutcher, Winston-Salem, North Carolina; Amir Lerman, Rochester, Minnesota; Kreton Mavromatis, Atlanta, Georgia; David Moliterno, Lexington, Kentucky;  Srihari S. Naidu, Westchester, New York; August Pichard, Washington, DC; Jon Tobis, Los Angeles, California; Olga Toleva, Atlanta, Georgia; Bonnie Weiner, Worchester, Massachusetts.

Dr. Morton J. Kern, Long Beach, Calif...
INOCA and MINOCA (myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries) are now widely known and gathering attention regarding their diagnosis and treatment. Many labs now have sensor guidewires and software to make this possible. Specialized...
INOCA and MINOCA (myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries) are now widely known and gathering attention regarding their diagnosis and treatment. Many labs now have sensor guidewires and software to make this possible. Specialized...
INOCA and MINOCA (myocardial...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner

Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA

Clinical Editor; Chief of Cardiology, Long Beach VA Medical Center, Long Beach, California; Professor of Medicine, University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California

Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA...
Every July, we welcome our new cardiovascular trainees (aka, fellows). The fellows on the cath rotation become the newest additions to our cath lab team, most with no prior experience in this area. For many years, I have had the honor (and...
Every July, we welcome our new cardiovascular trainees (aka, fellows). The fellows on the cath rotation become the newest additions to our cath lab team, most with no prior experience in this area. For many years, I have had the honor (and...
Every July, we welcome our new...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner

Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA

Clinical Editor; Chief of Cardiology, Long Beach VA Medical Center, Long Beach, California; Professor of Medicine, University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California

Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA...
Every cath lab encounters patients with chest pain (assumed to be ischemic in origin) who have normal or nonobstructed coronary arteries, a syndrome called INOCA (ischemia but no coronary artery disease). The ischemia is often thought to be...
Every cath lab encounters patients with chest pain (assumed to be ischemic in origin) who have normal or nonobstructed coronary arteries, a syndrome called INOCA (ischemia but no coronary artery disease). The ischemia is often thought to be...
Every cath lab encounters...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner

Dr. Morton J. Kern with contributions from Drs. John Hirshfeld, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
Amir Kaki, Detroit, Michigan; Ken Rosenfeld, Boston, Massachusetts; Steve Ramee, New Orleans, Louisiana; Peter Pelican, Los Angeles, California; Duane Pinto, Boston, Massachusetts;
Paul Teirstein, La Jolla, California

Dr. Morton J. Kern with contributions...
I recently learned that there is a worldwide shortage of the iodinated contrast agents (Omnipaque, Visipaque [both GE Healthcare], Isovue [Bracco Imaging], and Optiray [Guerbet]) used for computed tomography (CT) exams for general radiology...
I recently learned that there is a worldwide shortage of the iodinated contrast agents (Omnipaque, Visipaque [both GE Healthcare], Isovue [Bracco Imaging], and Optiray [Guerbet]) used for computed tomography (CT) exams for general radiology...
I recently learned that there is...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner

Dr. Morton J. Kern with contributions from Drs. John Hirshfeld, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Amir Kaki, Detroit, Michigan; Ken Rosenfeld, Boston, Massachusetts; Steve Ramee, New Orleans, Louisiana; Peter Pelican, Los Angeles, California; Duane Pinto, Boston, Massachusetts; Paul Teirstein, La Jolla, California

Dr. Morton J. Kern with contributions...
Dr. Peter Pelican from Santa Monica, California, asked, “What are you doing for an alternative to contrast media or to conserve contrast? Are you using gadolinium? Diluting the contrast 25%? Performing CO2 angiography?” I asked my colleagues...
Dr. Peter Pelican from Santa Monica, California, asked, “What are you doing for an alternative to contrast media or to conserve contrast? Are you using gadolinium? Diluting the contrast 25%? Performing CO2 angiography?” I asked my colleagues...
Dr. Peter Pelican from Santa...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner

Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA

Clinical Editor; Chief of Cardiology, Long Beach VA Medical Center, Long Beach, California; Professor of Medicine, University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California

Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA...
We have now been a radial-first lab for 15 years, enjoying the benefits of radial access with markedly fewer femoral access cases. Radial access has lived up to its promise, with better patient safety and comfort, and when compared to femoral...
We have now been a radial-first lab for 15 years, enjoying the benefits of radial access with markedly fewer femoral access cases. Radial access has lived up to its promise, with better patient safety and comfort, and when compared to femoral...
We have now been a radial-first...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner

Andrew Youmans, RN, with Morton Kern, MD; Lloyd Klein, MD; Michael Lim, MD; Steve Ramee, MD

Andrew Youmans, RN, with Morton Kern,...
Dr. Kern and other expert contributors recently discussed TAVR: Who Should Prep the Device?1 (January 2022), outlining the role of industry representatives compared to cath lab staff. In this article, several contributors cited the staffing...
Dr. Kern and other expert contributors recently discussed TAVR: Who Should Prep the Device?1 (January 2022), outlining the role of industry representatives compared to cath lab staff. In this article, several contributors cited the staffing...
Dr. Kern and other expert...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner

Dr. Morton Kern, with contributions from Drs. Steve Bailey, Shreveport, Louisiana;
Jim Blankenship, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Sam Butman, Scottsdale, Arizona; Richard Chazal, Fort Meyers, Florida; Kirk Garrett, Newark, Delaware; Rajiv Gulati, Rochester, Minnesota; Lloyd Klein, Napa, California: Jeffrey Moses, New York City, New York; Srihari S. Naidu, Valhalla, New York; Duane Pinto, Boston, Massachusetts; Chet Rihal, Rochester, Minnesota; David Rizik, Scottsdale, Arizona; Gurpreet S. Sandhu, Rochester, Minnesota; Gregg Stone, New York City, New York; Carl Tommaso, Evanston, Illinois; Barry Uretsky, Little Rock, Arkansas; Bonnie Weiner, Worchester, Massachusetts; Fred Welt, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Dr. Morton Kern, with contributions f...
The issue of working weekends to deliver more care is complex and requires a thoughtful game plan to commit the resources for the value of the expanded services. In the times of COVID, the need for hospital throughput has never been more...
The issue of working weekends to deliver more care is complex and requires a thoughtful game plan to commit the resources for the value of the expanded services. In the times of COVID, the need for hospital throughput has never been more...
The issue of working weekends to...
Cath Lab Digest


