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Tack Endovascular Repair

TACK at the Outpatient Vascular Suite

Dr. Amr El-Sergany is the Medical Director and co-founder of the Pacific Vascular Institute in Hawaii, a state where prevalence of diabetes and CLI lead to some of the highest rates of amputation in the United States. In an effort to reduce amputation rates by 50% in three years, Dr. El-Sergany and his team are working to refine and optimize their treatment algorithms, including utilization of new technologies.

In this video, Dr. El-Sergany shares a case using the Philips Dissection Repair Solution — Tack Endovascular System — and shows how dissection repair has been integrated into his treatment algorithm, leading to improvements in PTA outcomes and increased limb preservation.

Keep watching: 

Tack-ling Post-PTA Dissections
Kumar Madassery, MD

Focal Stenosis, Focal Dissections – Focal Scaffolds?
John A. Phillips, MD

Philips Tack Endovascular System for Flow-Limiting Dissection
Fadi Saab, MD

Tack Endovascular System: Dissection Repair Device
Joseph Karam, MD, RPVI

Optimizing PTA With Dissection Repair
Edward D. Gifford, MD

Case Example: Tack Endovascular System
Elizabeth Genovese, MD

Using Tack Endovascular System to Repair Post-PTA Dissections and Improve Flow
George Pliagas, MD, FACS, FRCSC

Evolution of PTA Algorithms to Improve Patient Outcomes
S. Jay Mathews, MD, MS, FACC, FSCAI, and Pradeep Nair, MD, FACC, FSCAI


