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Iris: Using a Telehealth Platform to Provide Virtual Supportive Care for Patients in Oncology

Meera Ravindranathan, MD; Kimberly Rice, PA; Phoebe Souza, LCSW; Stephanie Meyers, MS, RD, LDN; Anju Chowattukunnel, RN


Abstract 1831992


Telehealth technologies have emerged as transformative tools in health care. Telehealth can bridge gaps in access to supportive services and improve patient outcomes and experience. Iris by OncoHealth has developed a multidisciplinary approach to providing virtual supportive care to patients in oncology. By leveraging telehealth, Iris aims to address a spectrum of patient needs, ranging from cancer-specific mental health support, expert nutritional guidance, and assistance with social determinants of health (SDOH) nurse navigation and on-demand symptom management and symptom tracking. The integration of telehealth into oncology practice enhances patient access to specialized care, streamlines communication, fosters collaboration among health care providers, and optimizes resource allocation.

Case Presentation

The patient is a 51-year-old woman diagnosed with de novo metastatic colon cancer. She enrolled in Iris after progressing on second-line chemotherapy. She engaged with the platform for six months, between September 2023 and April 2024. She had meaningful interactions with the nursing team after hours and on weekends. She utilized the messenger feature for symptom reporting. We were able to assess her symptoms and provide medical advice to her via telehealth. Despite disease progression and multiple lines of chemotherapy, the patient benefited from timely interventions facilitated by the nursing team, avoiding unnecessary emergency department (ED) visits and receiving continuous support for symptom management.

Furthermore, the patient found solace in accessing mental health support remotely. She shared that accessing oncology-specific mental health care and advanced care planning from her home after work hours greatly benefited her by offering convenient support where she could physically be more comfortable. These conversations offered a chance to explore existential concerns and make informed decisions about her end-of-life care preferences.


The utilization of Iris's telehealth platform yielded significant benefit for the patient and exemplified the potential of virtual supportive care in oncology. Through evidence-based interventions based on multiple studies looking at early intervention, symptom tracking, and personalized support, Iris improved symptom management, reduced the cost of care by providing advanced care planning, and helped avoid unnecessary ED visits. By offering accessible mental health services, Iris empowered the patient to address psychosocial needs, fostering a sense of agency and emotional well-being amidst the challenges of advanced cancer treatment. The patient’s engagement with Iris's telehealth platform facilitated informed decision-making regarding end-of-life care preferences, emphasizing the its role in supporting patients throughout their cancer experience.


Iris by OncoHealth exemplifies the transformative potential of telehealth in oncology supportive care, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of patients with cancer. While telehealth presents numerous opportunities for improving oncology care delivery and patient outcomes, its successful implementation necessitates addressing technological and regulatory barriers. Embracing telehealth as an integral component of oncology practice is essential to optimize patient experiences, relieving cancer-related suffering, and advancing person-centered care. As the health care landscape continues to evolve, the integration of telehealth technologies promises to redefine the standard of care in oncology, ultimately enhancing the well-being and resilience of individuals and families affected by cancer.

Authors and Affiliations


Meera Ravindranathan, MD1; Kimberly Rice, PA1; Phoebe Souza, LCSW1; Stephanie Meyers, MS, RD, LDN1; Anju Chowattukunnel, RN1


1OncoHealth, Atlanta, GA


