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ONCare Alliance Emerges as a Transformative Force in Independent Oncology and Cancer Care

Brandon Twyford

Two leading oncology care organizations, the National Cancer Care Alliance (NCCA) and Quality Clinical Cancer Associates (QCCA), have joined forces to create ONCare Alliance, LLC. This collaborative venture, announced on February 29, 2024, in Puyallup, Washington, signifies a significant shift in independent practice cancer care.

Drawing on years of successful collaboration, ONCare Alliance positions itself as a disrupter in the field, aiming to revolutionize the current landscape. This strategic alliance prioritizes agility and independence, and is unburdened by third-party interests, giving it unprecedented flexibility to shape the future of cancer care.

At its core, ONCare Alliance is dedicated to redefining the independent practice in community care. Focused on innovation and excellence, the alliance brings together some of the most groundbreaking practices in oncology. A vast proprietary data engine supports clinical trials, advocacy, education, and training, setting the stage for ONCare Alliance to establish new benchmarks in the field. Leading this charge are Sibel Blau, MD, formerly President and CEO of QCCA, and Barbara McAneny, MD, formerly founder and board chair of NCCA.

In a statement, Dr McAneny, now Co-Chair and Chief Officer of Advocacy and Government Affairs at ONCare Alliance, emphasized the significance of the merger: “This merger represents a pivotal moment in the advancement of independent, comprehensive, patient-centric cancer care. Independent practices have always been the foundation for care for underserved populations. By working as an Alliance, we can enhance the ability of practices to better serve their communities, competing successfully with corporate delivery systems while maintaining both patient and physician satisfaction.”

Dr Blau, Co-Chair and President/CEO, added, “By leveraging our collective expertise, resources, and unwavering commitment, ONCare Alliance is poised to redefine the very essence of independent practice, providing alternatives to acquisition and consolidation and setting new standards of excellence in the process.” 

The integration of QCCA’s strengths in clinical research, growth, and strategy with NCCA’s focus on advocacy, patient assistance, education, and resource initiatives positions ONCare Alliance to empower independent health care providers through collaborative partnerships and new initiatives. Their mission is to drive positive change in cancer care outcomes and ensure access to the highest quality of care and support for every individual impacted by cancer.

Emphasizing ONCare Alliance’s purpose, Dr Blau said, “Our mission is clear: to sustain and enhance independent practices by providing opportunities for collaboration in research, data-based projects, patient support services, and practice enhancement strategies.” Dr McAneny underscored that ONCare Alliance is the key to supporting practices that value their independence, envisioning it as the future of innovating value-based, high-quality care.


Powerhouses QCCA and NCCA Merge to Create a Transformative New Entity in Independent Practice Oncology and Cancer Care: ONCare Alliance, LLC. Press release. February 29, 2024. Accessed February 29, 2024.

