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Original Contribution

Among the Big Birds

April 2009

     Medical directors from EMS systems in the nation's largest cities and key federal agencies gathered in Dallas on February 20–21 for the always-much-anticipated EMS State of the Sciences Conference, commonly known as the Gathering of Eagles.

     The Eagles show provides a venue for EMS docs to discuss current issues and events, and share the latest in clinical and operational innovations. Presentations, limited to 10 minutes, come in a rapid-fire succession that can overwhelm the unwary, and regular "lightning rounds" bring all the participants together to field questions as a panel.

     Highlights this year included reviews of EMS operations at last year's Republican and Democratic national conventions and January's presidential inauguration; presentations from a pair of international medical directors (Fionna Moore, MD, of the London Ambulance Service and Karen Wanger, MD, of the British Columbia Ambulance Service); and a debate between a pair of well-known U.S. EMS docs, Nashville Fire Department medical director Corey Slovis and Ray Fowler, operations medical director for the Dallas-area BioTel (EMS) system, on letting paramedics activate cardiac cath labs based on their interpretations of 12-lead ECGs.

     Conference leaders bestowed a pair of awards: Houston EMS director David Persse, MD, received the Michael Keys Copass Award for service and leadership in prehospital emergency care. Paula Willoughby-DeJesus, DO, past medical director of the Chicago Fire Department, received the new Corey M. Slovis Award for Excellence in Education.

     The 2010 Gathering of Eagles will be held next February 26–27; see We will feature more on this year's show in the July issue of EMS.


