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Original Contribution

Paramedic Intercepts in WI

April 2007

     This month, I had the opportunity to visit the first hospital-based paramedic intercept program in Wisconsin.

     Located in Fort Atkinson, WI, the team is employed by Fort HealthCare and does not charge directly for its intercept services.

     The paramedics operate in the ED 95% of the day, assisting doctors and nurses, but monitor dispatch calls for serious prehospital emergencies. On at least one occasion, they were sent out due to the ability of their "jump vehicle" (a Jeep Grand Cherokee) to reach the victim where the ambulance could not.

     With space limited, the paramedic only carries what can fit in the back of the vehicle (see picture at right), which includes 36 different drugs; oxygen bag for infants, peds and adults; IV kits; two intraosseous kits; and more.

     Initially, the state required a nurse to accompany the paramedic on all intercepts, but now paramedics ride alone unless it is a known code situation for which state law requires a nurse escort.

     BLS ambulatory service is provided by different private agencies in the area. In most paramedic intercept situations, the ambulance reaches the scene before the paramedic, who is then able to provide ALS support.

     I found this an interesting approach and very well suited for the rural community it covers.

     For more information about the hospital and its services, go to Protocols and checklists for this model will appear in a future issue of EMS Product News.


