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Original Contribution

PCR Lens from Digitech

January 2014

EMS isn't easy. Neither is running an EMS agency. Administrative tools that don't make the job of running an EMS operation any harder are a must, and one of those is PCR Lens from Digitech.

PCR Lens, included with Digitech’s EMS billing service, is a tool for EMS administrators and leaders that provides a means to measure and improve field data collection.

EMS providers find themselves increasingly challenged to capture patient information, document procedures and medications, and write accurate narratives that will support reimbursement and compliance. As private and government insurance providers have become more stringent in their requirements for the documentation of patient care during ambulance transports, the need to deliver complete and accurate patient care reports has become more and more important.

PCR Lens aggregates the prehospital data from each run as it comes across through the Patient Care Report application and puts it into an interactive user interface. PCR Lens can then display the data in a variety of user-defined views, making it easy for EMS leaders to zero in on problems, push training and re-education to where it’s needed, and identify high performance individuals and crews.

PCR Lens serves the quality improvement needs of EMS providers, while at the same time helping to improve collections for EMS billing claims. Better data translates into better collections, and that’s a win-win situation for every EMS agency.

Visit, or call 866/300-3334.


