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Original Contribution

Binder Lift from Binder Lift, LLC

January 2014

Back injuries are painful reminders of patients who were too heavy to safely lift but had to be moved anyway. And unfortunately they're prevalent enough to be one of the main causes of lost time for EMS providers. So anytime a piece of equipment comes along that might help reduce to occurrences of back injuries, providers are right to get their hopes up.

One product that delivers on that promise is the Binder Lift from Binder Lift, LLC. The Binder Lift device (MX &XLT) is the only product of its kind that provides EMS, firefighters, nursing and home healthcare individuals the ability to provide non-mechanical lift assistance to an individual in need without requiring them to compromise their own good lifting posture to accomplish the lift-assist task.

The Binder Lift can be safely utilized by one to six or more EMS providers through the integration of 19–25 lifting handles (depending on model). The MX device can adjust from a 34”–62” chest circumference, while the XLT adjusts from a 58”–82” chest range. The Binder Lift stands out as unique from all the rest in that it does not require a patient's arms or legs to be bound up—thus inhibiting patient balance—yet it completely envelopes a patient's torso to provide total safety and security for both the patient and care provider. And its lightweight design—only 2.5 lbs.—and ease of attachment, combined with its small compact size and portability, make it the ideal patient lifting tool.

Visit, or call 855/239-5438.


