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Louisiana Boy Saves Mom`s Life; Calls 911, Does CPR

Sandra Gonzalez


May 30--HAMMOND, La --

A Hammond boy is truly a lifesaver.

"He just seemed very mature for his age. When I was told that he was only nine years old, I was surprised," said Hammond firefighter Luke Ohlinger.

But Andrew Gordon, is definitely 9, and loves basketball, P.E. In fact, that's where he learned about reacting to an emergency that he was thrust into one night earlier this month. His mother Julie had just said goodnight.

"So I just got up and went to the kitchen and to turn the light off, all of a sudden, I just remember falling," said Julie Gordon about the incident where she had a reaction to a new prescription.

Young Andrew Gordon heard the thud in the hallway.

"I was scared. I called then she said 'What's your emergency?', and she said 'Hello' and I said 'My mom has fell and won't wake up' and she said 'Okay, just stay on the line with me, stay on the line with me'," Gordon recalled.

Gordon called from a cell phone and even went outside to tell the 911 call taker what the address was.

"Then she said go to her and pinch her and see if she will wake up and she didn't so she said start to do CPR and I did CPR, and then the police officer, the ambulance, I mean the fire department was already here," Gordon said.

"We were just impressed by his knowledge of what to do, just the calmness that he had," said Ohlinger with the fire department.

It was important for these firefighters to honor this child because he was really paying attention to a program started by the Hammond Fire Department that really teaches life and death stuff.

"He acted and didn't hesitate, knew exactly what to do, and I guess because of his age, of how young he is, you don't see that a lot," said Shawn Schillace of the Hammond Fire Department.

The program is called Risk Watch, and Gordon learned it at Hammond Eastside Elementary. His mom says it helped save her life.

"He's my little hero. He's my little hero," Julie Gordon said.

And Andrew has some advice for other children.

"Pay attention in P.E. if you have Risk Watch. Pay close attention like I did, and hopefully that problem won't happen to you and if it does hopefully, you'll know what to do," Gordon said.


