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ED Admissions Down for Heart Attack, Up for Stroke News

A report released Tuesday by HealthGrades found that from 2008 to 2010, emergency admissions for heart attack decreased slightly (1.7 percent) for Medicare patients, but admissions for stroke increased by 2.2 percent.  

The report states that heart attack and stroke were among the conditions with the highest mortality rates, with nearly one in 10 heart attack patients dying, and nearly one in 10 stroke patients (9.24 percent) dying after admission to the hospital.

Dr. David Seaberg, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), said in a prepared statement that the information is useful for tracking mortality rates for heart attack and stroke patients who are admitted to the hospital, although the report itself is a measure of inpatient hospital care, not emergency care. 

"The information about heart attack and stroke admissions is not surprising," said Dr. Seaberg.  "Emergency physicians encourage all adults, especially seniors, to know the warning signs of stroke and heart attack. It's important to err on the side of caution, call 911 and get to the nearest emergency department as soon as possible if you think you're having a stroke or heart attack."

According to the report, nearly two-thirds (61 percent) of hospital admissions among seniors begin in the emergency department, more than any other age group.

The new data are being released in HealthGrades "2012 Emergency Medicine in American Hospitals" report. 



