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N.Y. Hospital Partners with EMS Providers to Bring Innovation in Prehospital Communication

Nyack, N.Y. November 22, 2017 – Nyack Hospital recently became the first and only Hospital in New York State to use a new HIPPA-compliant pre-hospital communication technology called Twiage.  The technology enables first responders to send live data from the scene of an emergency to Nyack Hospital’s Emergency Department, informing staff of the critical patient and situational information almost immediately through videos, photos, voice memos and text messages, along with clinical triage algorithms. 

With real-time information and GPS-tracking for incoming ambulances, the Hospital’s Emergency Department is able to prepare for the ambulance’s arrival in advance and accelerate life-saving emergency care. A large LCD screen in the Emergency Department displays information for all incoming ambulances which helps the department’s Cardiac, Stroke and Trauma teams efficiently manage resources, assign beds, secure operating rooms and imaging suites, while improving patient outcomes and staff workflow.

Nyack Hospital’s Director of Emergency Medicine, Dr. Jeffrey Rabrich, shares “The addition of Twiage in our facility has greatly increased our ability to prepare for incoming emergencies.  As one of the busiest Emergency Departments in the lower Hudson Valley and the only designated Area Trauma Center in Rockland County, we have been able to reduce door-to- room time by 50 percent.” 

“TWIAGE has greatly enhanced the communication interface between our field personnel and the Emergency Department staff. This greatly benefits the patient by creating a seamless information exchange upon their arrival. It has improved patient care and has resulted in less delays for personnel in the ED and has improved turnaround time for the EMS units,” said Michael Murphy, Chief Operating Officer at Rockland Paramedics, “We also look forward to incorporating TWIAGE in our future Mobile Integrated Health Care initiative and tele-medicine projects.”

The Twiage system was funded as part of a larger community paramedicine grant awarded to Nyack Hospital by the Montefiore Hudson Valley Collaborative (MHVC), a group of providers, community-based organizations and government officials whose goal is to improve the quality of life of Hudson Valley residents.  Nyack Hospital is the first hospital in New York State to deploy the Twiage system in partnership with local EMS providers which includes 14 volunteer ambulance corps and Rockland Paramedic Services.

“South Orangetown Ambulance Corps. has fully embraced Nyack Hospital’s new communication system, which has greatly improved our turnaround time. It better enables our ambulances to return to service more quickly, so we can answer the next emergency call in the County,” said Glenn Albin, Assistant Chief of South Orangetown Ambulance Corps.

Twiage is currently being utilized by 25 hospitals and more than 100 EMS agencies in seven different states.


