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National EMS Museum Refreshes Mission Ahead of 20th Anniversary

MILWAUKEE, WI—The National EMS Museum (NEMSM), founded in 2006, announced Nov. 2, 2022, that it is seeking board members as it revitalizes its mission.

NEMSM strives to inspire future generations of EMS practitioners, leaders, and advocates by telling the story of EMS’ development, highlighting and educating the importance of EMS services to the community, and generally promoting emergency medical services.

“The museum has done great work in collecting and showcasing valuable artifacts, archiving historical documents, and remembering the pioneers of the profession,” said Jon Krohmer, MD, board member and former director of the federal Office of EMS. “We want to build on that experience by bringing in several board members, both diverse in demographics and in the breadth of their skills, in terms of philanthropy, fundraising, and management.”

“We now have a home base for operations in the Milwaukee region, thanks to NEMSM President Alan DeYoung, who also serves as executive director of the Wisconsin EMS Association,” continued Krohmer.

In 2023, DeYoung said, the board of directors will be responsible for elevating NEMSM activities. A strategic business plan and communications plan will be developed collaboratively with industry and community stakeholders and leaders.

“The plans will be driven by research and listening sessions,” said DeYoung. “Does the profession support a bricks-and-mortar approach to a museum, traveling exhibits, a virtual experience, or something else? What interests new EMS practitioners about the evolution of their profession and how can we best engage them?  What role can NEMSM play in connecting families, students, and community advocates in EMS? The answers to these and other questions will help us set our fundraising goals and prioritize our initiatives.”

Those interested in volunteering for the National EMS Museum, whether on the board or on a committee, can find more information at the museum's website.  A review panel of EMS leaders, community stakeholders, and museum directors will help NEMSM review applications for open board positions. Selected board members will start terms in early 2023.


