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Russian Paramedics Join Statement Against War

EMS World Staff 

A Russian living abroad displays her opposition to the war in Ukraine. (Photo: Silar/Wikimedia Commons)
A Russian living abroad displays her opposition to the war in Ukraine. (Photo: Silar/Wikimedia Commons) 

An open letter signed by Russian physicians, nurses, and paramedics opposes the country's war in Ukraine.

Published originally on the Russian-language news site MadMed Media, the letter was republished in English by the British Medical Journal

It reads in part:

We, Russian doctors, nurses, and paramedics, strongly oppose the military actions carried out by Russian armed forces on the territory of Ukraine. We are not looking for the guilty and we do not judge anyone. Our mission is to save human lives. It is difficult to imagine a profession more humane than a doctor. And now, at this difficult time for both countries, we call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and for the resolution of all political issues exclusively by peaceful means…

Our relatives, friends, patients. and colleagues are located on the attacked territories. There is not a single person among them who would benefit from the ongoing bloodshed. We cannot stay away from pain and suffering, which are increasing every minute…

Therefore, following our oaths and maintaining a humane and equal treatment of all lives, we demand an immediate suspension of all operations with the use of lethal weapons.

Russia has attempted to stifle domestic opposition to the war, and a proposed bill would provide prison sentences of up to 15 years for contradicting state positions. 



