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Bonus Photo Gallery: MSOC 2022

Barry A. Bachenheimer, EdD, NREMT-FF, and Lea “LJ” Bachenheimer, NREMT 

This special online bonus photo gallery shares some more images from EMS World contributors Barry A. Bachenheimer, EdD, NREMT-FF, and Lea “LJ” Bachenheimer, NREMT, who visited the Fire Department of New York's 2022 Medical Special Operations Conference. Find all their coverage here:

FDNY bus
An FDNY bus for major incidents and mass-casualty events (Photos: Barry Bachenheimer) 
Afternoon skill stations tested MSOC attendees.
Afternoon skill stations tested MSOC attendees. 
A simulated patient trapped in a confined space
A simulated patient trapped in a confined space
Another tight space for a simulated rescue
Another tight space for a simulated rescue
Preparing for intubation
Preparing for intubation
A replica New York City block
A replica New York City block
Another station posed a victim impaled on rebar.
Another station posed a victim impaled on rebar. 
Preparing to cut the rebar
Preparing to cut the rebar
The subway entrapment skill station
The subway entrapment skill station
An aircraft crash rescue simulator
An aircraft crash rescue simulator
A statue honors firefighters.
A statue honors firefighters. 



