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Live From Expo 2022: Suboxone: The Missing Link in Breaking Opioid Addiction?

Host: Mike McCabe

Opioid overdose calls in EMS seem unrelenting. Naloxone can help in resuscitation efforts but it won’t lessen the opioid epidemic without being paired with long-term treatment options. Enter suboxone, which has the ability to relieve withdrawal symptoms while preventing overdoses.

It’s a safe and effective drug, though many in EMS are still not aware of what it can do or how it’s administered.

David Miramontes, MD, FACEP, FAEMS, NREMT, associate clinical professor at UT Health-San Antonio and medical director for the San Antonio Fire Dept., and Chris Velasquez, MIH manager at San Antonio Fire Dept., talk suboxone with host Mike McCabe in our latest episode of “Live From the Expo Floor” recorded at EMS World Expo 2022 in Orlando.

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