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Peter Antevy on the Top Research of 2022

Host: Mike McCabe

The year 2022 saw significant research updates that should be refining your EMS protocols—working cardiac arrests on scene, whole blood in the field, neuroprotective CPR and much more.

If you missed some of them, don’t worry. In this podcast (which was video-recorded for our inaugural vodcast), Mike McCabe catches up with Peter Antevy to talk over the most important findings of this year.


Submitted by jbassett on Sun, 12/04/2022 - 16:54

Thanks so much for the podcast. An observation on the cardiac arrest discussion: I feel like we keep coming back to the same things and acting like it's new. Maybe we just now have the evidence for staying on scene? We ALWAYS worked codes on scene in the 1980's-90's and then when our city went with Fire (we were a third service) in 1997, it was all about transport. Now we are back to doing what worked in the past--stay and work it and TALK to people. We did this. It isn't new. Maybe it was because our third service was in the health dept and we were always around the docs/social workers and learned how to address social issues. Now we have to deliberately teach students how to do this. 

LOVE the whole blood discussion. Keep up the awesome work!

—Megan Corry

Submitted by jbassett on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 01:45

This was great!!!! Thank you Dr. Antevy, I just recently learned about the handtevy method and was blown away......had I only had that twenty years ago. 

—Amanda Noren


