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Improving EP Care:Is your lab providing the most current available treatments in EP?

Jodie Miller
July 2003
Dear Readers, This month we bring you differing perspectives from both the patient and the physician. In our Patient Perspectives article, David Malik describes his 30-year history with atrial fibrillation. When his symptoms finally became too severe, he was put in contact with Dr. Andrea Natale from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, who suggested catheter ablation. Since then, he has made a remarkable recovery. In fact, he recently completed a mountain climb to Mt. Kilimanjaro, and will soon be climbing Mt. Rainier. I hope you will read about his amazing journey. From the opposite point of view, in our physician interview this month, we speak with Dr. Kamran Toluie from Cardiologists PC and Mercy Medical Center, who is dedicated to bringing innovative treatments to electrophysiology patients in the Iowa area. His achievements include performing the first bi-ventricular ICD  procedure in Iowa after FDA approval, and performing the first VT ablation in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. In addition, this month we speak with Dr. Mark E. Anderson from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, in our popular 10-Minute Interview section. In his interview, Dr. Anderson comments that he thinks a better understanding of the biological basis for arrhythmias will lead to a more advanced generation of drug therapies. Readers, how do you feel about the technology offered at EP labs today? In what ways do you feel your lab could improve? Please send us an email with your suggestions. Thanks for reading!


