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Biosense Webster Introduces the THERMOCOOL® SF Irrigated Catheter in the European Union

   Biosense Webster, Inc. announced the completion of the first clinical cases with the new ® THERMOCOOL SF Irrigated Ablation catheter in the European Union, following recent CE Mark approval. The THERMOCOOL® SF catheter is the most advanced Biosense Webster irrigated ablation catheter for use by electrophysiologists in treating cardiac arrhythmias.    The THERMOCOOL® SF Irrigated catheter is the next generation in irrigated ablation catheters and builds upon the THERMOCOOL® irrigated catheter platform. The THERMOCOOL® SF catheter’s unique design and porous tip technology provides EPs with uniform cooling across the entire catheter tip and allows efficient cooling at half the flow rate.    Unlike competitive irrigated technologies, which offer localized cooling, the catheter design and break- through porous tip technology of the THERMOCOOL® SF catheter allow for uniform cooling of the entire catheter tip when ablating. This in turn allows for efficient fluid delivery within the catheter itself and allows heat to dissipate across the entire catheter tip. As a result, cooling efficiency is increased and the flow rate is reduced.    Prof. Gerd Hindricks of the Heart Center at the University of Leipzig Hospital commented on his recent experience with Biosense Webster’s new catheter platform: “I have been extremely impressed with the features and capabilities of the THERMOCOOL® SF catheter. My first clinical experience indicates that due to the strategic placement of the holes around the entire surface area of the tip, cooling efficiency and lesion induction may be improved to complete AF ablation procedures in a safe, effective, and timely manner.”     “Procedure time and safety concerns are consistently cited by EPs as the most significant barrier to increased use of ablation therapy to treat cardiac arrhythmias,” said Shlomi Nachman, Worldwide President, Biosense Webster, Inc. “All of our products are being developed with the aim of addressing these concerns.”


