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Email Discussion Group

Cable Disorganization Our lab has an abundance of cables that often becomes tangled and inevitably damaged. Last week, damaged cable resulted in an intraprocedure delay of over 1 hour. Our Biomedical Engineers have authorized our department to contact a third-party vendor for consultation. Has anyone had similar issues, and if so, how did you correct the problem? Does anyone know of a vendor that services this type of problem? — anonymous I am a retired IBM telecommunications person that is familiar with the issues of managing cables, having worked for over 20 years as a network specialist. I also am familiar with the rooms/labs related to ablation. If you can provide me with your location, I can contact an IBM person that can contact you or you can contact IBM directly at Hope this helps! I always was amazed at some rooms with literally thousands of cables that were not identified or organized and/or damaged. — J. Frits Startup Policies & Procedures Our hospital is planning to start an EP program. I am interested in corresponding with EP lab coordinators willing to share information and/or basic policies & procedures in relation to startup efforts. The EP lab is set up, but has been on standby while an EP physician is being sought. Given the possibility of an accelerated startup, I am reaching out for resources and information. Although I have a number of years’ experience in EP, I have been out of the specialty a few years. I will welcome the input and exchange once again with other EP professionals. — T. Trahan, RT(R), Florida We have started a new EP service line and are expecting a visit from the Joint Commission soon. I am in need of any policies and procedures for EP. Anything would be helpful! — name withheld by request


