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Email Discussion Group: December 2009

December 2009

Do you have an EP topic that you would like to see addressed by our discussion group? Email us at or post your question on We look forward to hearing from you! Distinguishing Block What are your tips for distinguishing between second-degree atrioventricular block type 1 and 2? When responding to this question, please use “Distinguishing Block” in your subject line or visit “” Tech Week How do you celebrate "tech week" at your EP/Cath labs? When responding to this question, please use “Tech Week” in your subject line or visit “” Cable Disorganization Our lab has an abundance of cables that often becomes tangled and inevitably damaged. Last week, damaged cable resulted in an intraprocedure delay of over 1 hour. Our Biomedical Engineers have authorized our department to contact a third party vendor for consultation. Has anyone had similar issues, and if so, how did you correct the problem? Does anyone know of a vendor that services this type of problem? — anonymous When responding to this question, please use “Cable Disorganization” in your subject line or visit “”

Under Discussion:

Admitting Patients After AF Ablation If your facility performs AF ablations, are patients admitted following the procedure? What are your reasons for admitting/not admitting these patients? Also, do your AF ablation patients usually receive moderate sedation or general anesthesia for the procedure? — S. Deck When responding to this question, please type “Admitting Patients After AF Ablation” in your subject line or visit “”


