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Email Discussion Group: September 2010

Compiled by Jodie Elrod
From LinkedIn: Right-Sided EPS Is there data to support right-sided EPS/ablations without a Heparinized Saline flush to the sheath's sideport? — C. Reoch, RCIS,CEPS Staffing Practices We are surveying labs throughout the country for feedback regarding staffing practices. How many staff members are required to perform procedures? What is the role/function of each person? Have you ever performed procedures with less than a full team (as defined by your institution)? — C. Levine, RN, BSN, MA Participating in EP Lab Digest’s Discussion Groups: • Find an updated list of discussion questions on or in any issue of EP Lab Digest. • Email your EP-related questions and/or responses to “” or post comments and responses on our website! • Don’t forget to inform us if you would like your name, location, and email address published, or if you prefer to be listed with your information withheld. • You can also join our ongoing discussions on Twitter (, Facebook (, and LinkedIn (


