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Volume 6 - Issue 10 - October 2006


Maha Rinaudo, PhD, President, and TCAI Clinical Coordinator Sharon Collier, RN, NASPExAM Testamur in EP TCA Institute

Maha Rinaudo, PhD, President, and TCA...
As Cardiology has evolved during the last ten years, it has developed into many subspecialties: Preventive Cardiology, Coronary Interventional, Vascular Interventional, Heart Failure Specialists and Electrophysiology (EP). In particular, EP...
As Cardiology has evolved during the last ten years, it has developed into many subspecialties: Preventive Cardiology, Coronary Interventional, Vascular Interventional, Heart Failure Specialists and Electrophysiology (EP). In particular, EP...
As Cardiology has evolved during...
EP Lab Digest

Nicholas Kouchoukos, MD Missouri Baptist Medical Center

Nicholas Kouchoukos, MD Missouri Bapt...
Over the years, one of the things that I have found most interesting is the heightened level of awareness and knowledge exhibited by my patients and their families. It may be in direct correlation with ongoing advancements in technology the...
Over the years, one of the things that I have found most interesting is the heightened level of awareness and knowledge exhibited by my patients and their families. It may be in direct correlation with ongoing advancements in technology the...
Over the years, one of the...
EP Lab Digest

Jose D. Flores, RT Mission Regional Medical Center / St.Joseph Health System

Jose D. Flores, RT Mission Regional M...
In the August 2006 issue of EP Lab Digest, Mr. Daniel Dindy, RCIS discusses his experiences in the cath lab and EP lab with back pain and other maladies. I personally relate to just about everything that Mr. Dindy brings up, especially with...
In the August 2006 issue of EP Lab Digest, Mr. Daniel Dindy, RCIS discusses his experiences in the cath lab and EP lab with back pain and other maladies. I personally relate to just about everything that Mr. Dindy brings up, especially with...
In the August 2006 issue of EP...
EP Lab Digest
Karthik Ramaswamy, MD, Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory, and Joon Ahn, MD Northeast Georgia Heart Center
Karthik Ramaswamy, MD, Director, Elec...
The cardiac program at Northeast Georgia Medical Center began in August 2002, with the opening of the Ronnie Green Heart Center and the start of Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventional Cardiology. The Cardiology Department began the...
The cardiac program at Northeast Georgia Medical Center began in August 2002, with the opening of the Ronnie Green Heart Center and the start of Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventional Cardiology. The Cardiology Department began the...
The cardiac program at...
EP Lab Digest
New Questions: Check-Off List for Non-Medical Staff I would love an outline for non-medical staff skills competency check-off list. More and more across the EP world, line access and catheter placement are being performed by non-medical...
New Questions: Check-Off List for Non-Medical Staff I would love an outline for non-medical staff skills competency check-off list. More and more across the EP world, line access and catheter placement are being performed by non-medical...
New Questions: Check-Off List...
EP Lab Digest
Dear readers, Autumn is often synonymous with the start of school, so what could be a better time to talk about new and innovative educational programs across the country? This October, we highlight several EP programs for staff and...
Dear readers, Autumn is often synonymous with the start of school, so what could be a better time to talk about new and innovative educational programs across the country? This October, we highlight several EP programs for staff and...
Dear readers, Autumn is often...
EP Lab Digest
Cris Bethune, RN, BSN, and Mary Orencole, RN, MS, ANP CRT Program, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Cris Bethune, RN, BSN, and Mary Orenc...
Introduction The high prevalence of heart failure (HF) and the increasing patient population eligible for device therapy has created a new genre of ambulatory HF patients with implanted devices. The complex nature of these patients often...
Introduction The high prevalence of heart failure (HF) and the increasing patient population eligible for device therapy has created a new genre of ambulatory HF patients with implanted devices. The complex nature of these patients often...
Introduction The high...
EP Lab Digest

Brock M. Tice, Ph.D. Student

Brock M. Tice, Ph.D. Student
I have lived in New Orleans for seven years. Each year, toward the end of the summer, we and others in the Gulf Coast region face the threat of hurricane season. New Orleans is always particularly at risk because it is shaped like a bowl....
I have lived in New Orleans for seven years. Each year, toward the end of the summer, we and others in the Gulf Coast region face the threat of hurricane season. New Orleans is always particularly at risk because it is shaped like a bowl....
I have lived in New Orleans for...
EP Lab Digest

J. Michael Mangrum, MD, and Heather Greenbaum

J. Michael Mangrum, MD, and Heather G...
What is the size of your EP lab facility and number of staff members? What is the mix of credentials at your lab? We currently have two dedicated EP labs and a third which we share with the cath lab. A fourth room is used for cardioversions...
What is the size of your EP lab facility and number of staff members? What is the mix of credentials at your lab? We currently have two dedicated EP labs and a third which we share with the cath lab. A fourth room is used for cardioversions...
What is the size of your EP lab...
EP Lab Digest


