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Volume 10 - Issue 6 - June 2010

One study questions the use of implantable defibrillators and pacemakers in patients aged 80 and older. What are your thoughts? To join in on this discussion, please visit our LinkedIn group:     “I...
One study questions the use of implantable defibrillators and pacemakers in patients aged 80 and older. What are your thoughts? To join in on this discussion, please visit our LinkedIn group:     “I...
One study questions the use of...
EP Lab Digest
Compiled by Jodie Elrod
Compiled by Jodie Elrod
The Heart Rhythm Society's 31st Annual Scientific Sessions took place May 12-15, 2010 in Denver, Colorado. Enclosed below is a compilation of clinical news highlights from the meeting.    Heart Rhythm Society Releases Expert Consensus...
The Heart Rhythm Society's 31st Annual Scientific Sessions took place May 12-15, 2010 in Denver, Colorado. Enclosed below is a compilation of clinical news highlights from the meeting.    Heart Rhythm Society Releases Expert Consensus...
The Heart Rhythm Society's 31st...
EP Lab Digest
Noel G. Boyle, MD, PhD, Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Labs, UCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia Center, Los Angeles, California
Noel G. Boyle, MD, PhD, Director, Car...
What is the size of your EP lab facility and number of staff members? What is the mix of credentials at your lab?    Our facility has six labs, four of which are EP capable, and one has Stereotaxis.We have 25 clinical lab staff members,...
What is the size of your EP lab facility and number of staff members? What is the mix of credentials at your lab?    Our facility has six labs, four of which are EP capable, and one has Stereotaxis.We have 25 clinical lab staff members,...
What is the size of your EP lab...
EP Lab Digest
Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Editor-in-Chief
Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Ed...
Dear Readers,    For several years there was debate regarding whether or not a patient with complete atrioventricular (AV) block should undergo implantation of a dual chamber AV sequential pacemaker or simply a single chamber right...
Dear Readers,    For several years there was debate regarding whether or not a patient with complete atrioventricular (AV) block should undergo implantation of a dual chamber AV sequential pacemaker or simply a single chamber right...
Dear Readers,    For several...
EP Lab Digest
Interview by Jodie Elrod
Interview by Jodie Elrod
   In this interview we speak with Dr.Tung, who describes his use of Anthem Medical’s CATHPAX radiation protection cabin at UCLA. The CATHPAX is a new application that allows for lead-free, radiation-free procedures in the electrophysiology...
   In this interview we speak with Dr.Tung, who describes his use of Anthem Medical’s CATHPAX radiation protection cabin at UCLA. The CATHPAX is a new application that allows for lead-free, radiation-free procedures in the electrophysiology...
   In this interview we speak...
EP Lab Digest
Jim Collins, Certified Cardiology Coder (CCC), CPC, CHCC, President, CardiologyCoder.Com, Inc.
Jim Collins, Certified Cardiology Cod...
The government is spending approximately $1.8 billion to audit and prosecute healthcare fraud this year. You minimize your risk of being penalized by becoming familiar with the top ten regulatory landmines faced by electrophysiologists when...
The government is spending approximately $1.8 billion to audit and prosecute healthcare fraud this year. You minimize your risk of being penalized by becoming familiar with the top ten regulatory landmines faced by electrophysiologists when...
The government is spending...
EP Lab Digest


