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Case Study

Case Study

P.D. Lambiase, PhD, MRCP, and J.S. Gill, MD, FRCP

P.D. Lambiase, PhD, MRCP, and J.S. Gi...
​​​​​​​ The catheter used in this procedure is specially designed to allow creation of pulmonary vein isolating lesions near the os of the pulmonary veins.
​​​​​​​ The catheter used in this procedure is specially designed to allow creation of pulmonary vein isolating lesions near the os of the pulmonary veins.
​​​​​​​ The catheter used in...
EP Lab Digest
Case Study

Robert M. Sangrigoli, MD

Robert M. Sangrigoli, MD
Dr. Sangrigoli is co-author of a clinical study on Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry (MCOT) , which was presented at the 2003 NASPE Scientific Sessions. In this study, the investigators found that MCOT detected serious arrhythmias in 53% of...
Dr. Sangrigoli is co-author of a clinical study on Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry (MCOT) , which was presented at the 2003 NASPE Scientific Sessions. In this study, the investigators found that MCOT detected serious arrhythmias in 53% of...
Dr. Sangrigoli is co-author of a...
EP Lab Digest
Case Study

Man-Hong Jim, MRCP, Raymond Miu, MRCP, Chung-Wah Siu, MRCP

Man-Hong Jim, MRCP, Raymond Miu, MRCP...
PR-segment elevation in inferior leads is a very rare ECG finding. Any PR-segment shift in the presence of atrial arrhythmia, especially in the context of acute myocardial infarction, should arouse the clinical suspicion of atrial infarction.
PR-segment elevation in inferior leads is a very rare ECG finding. Any PR-segment shift in the presence of atrial arrhythmia, especially in the context of acute myocardial infarction, should arouse the clinical suspicion of atrial infarction.
PR-segment elevation in inferior...
EP Lab Digest

