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Case Study

Case Study

Rachel V. Weise, RT(R)(ARRT), BSRS

Special Procedures Technologist, Electrophysiology Lab; Banner University Medical Center Phoenix; Phoenix, Arizona

Rachel V. Weise, RT(R)(ARRT), BSRS S...
Rachel V. Weise, RT(R)(ARRT), BSRS describes how with the installation of a robotic magnetic navigation system, they were able to perform repeat VT ablation with successful results.
Rachel V. Weise, RT(R)(ARRT), BSRS describes how with the installation of a robotic magnetic navigation system, they were able to perform repeat VT ablation with successful results.
Rachel V. Weise, RT(R)(ARRT),...
EP Lab Digest
Case Study

Sacha Salzberg, MD; Wim-Jan van Boven, MD, PhD; Thomas Zerm, MD

Heart and Rhythm Center, Zurich, Switzerland

Sacha Salzberg, MD; Wim-Jan van Boven...
Sacha Salzberg, MD and colleagues review modern hybrid therapies for the treatment of atrial fibrillation.
Sacha Salzberg, MD and colleagues review modern hybrid therapies for the treatment of atrial fibrillation.
Sacha Salzberg, MD and...
EP Lab Digest


A Tale of 2 Devices: ICD Lead Malfunction Following Implantation of a Left Ventricular Assist Device
Case Study

Christopher Purtell, MD, Cardiovascular Medicine Fellow, and Miguel Leal, MD, Director of the
Electrophysiology & Arrhythmia Service

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

Christopher Purtell, MD, Cardiovascul...
Given the growing number of patients with advanced heart failure who require mechanical circulatory support, notably the placement of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) either as destination therapy or as bridge-to-transplant, it is...
Given the growing number of patients with advanced heart failure who require mechanical circulatory support, notably the placement of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) either as destination therapy or as bridge-to-transplant, it is...
Given the growing number of...
EP Lab Digest
Left Phrenic Nerve Displacement Using a Sizing Balloon During Epicardial Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation
Case Study

Serkan Cay, MD; Ozcan Ozeke, MD; Serkan Topaloglu, MD; Firat Ozcan, MD; Dursun Aras, MD

Department of Cardiology, Division of Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, University of Health Sciences, Yuksek Ihtisas Cardiovascular Building; Ankara City Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

Serkan Cay, MD; Ozcan Ozeke, MD; Serk...
The phrenic nerve (PN) can be an obstacle for catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias, and PN injury is a potential complication of epicardial ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation.1-3 A close anatomic relationship between the left PN...
The phrenic nerve (PN) can be an obstacle for catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias, and PN injury is a potential complication of epicardial ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation.1-3 A close anatomic relationship between the left PN...
The phrenic nerve (PN) can be an...
EP Lab Digest


An Unusual Substrate for Outflow Tract Ventricular Tachycardia
Case Study

Ven Gee Lim, MBChB (Hons), MSc, MRCP1; Jassie Tan, MBBCh, FRCR2; Riccardo Proietti, MD, PhD, FESC3; Michelle J. Schmucki, BSc (Hons)4; Jamal Nasir Khan, PhD, MBChB (Hons), BMedSci (Hons), FRCP, FESC5; Tarvinder Dhanjal, MBChB (Hons), MRCP, PhD, FESC6

1Specialist Registrar in Cardiology, University Hospitals Coventry (UHC) and Warwickshire (UHCW), Coventry, UK; 2Consultant Radiologist, UHCW; 3Consultant Electrophysiologist, Department of Cardiac Sciences, University of Padua, Italy; 4MRI Radiographer, UHC; 5Consultant Cardiologist with Specialist Interest in Cardiac Imaging, UHCW; 6Consultant Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist, UHCW, Honorary Associate Clinical Professor of Cardiology (University of Warwick)

Ven Gee Lim, MBChB (Hons), MSc, MRCP1...
We present a novel case of a 42-year-old male with an unusual substrate for right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) tachycardia – post-cardiac surgery-associated RVOT sternal adhesion (confirmed on cardiovascular MRI [CMR] pre-ablation).
We present a novel case of a 42-year-old male with an unusual substrate for right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) tachycardia – post-cardiac surgery-associated RVOT sternal adhesion (confirmed on cardiovascular MRI [CMR] pre-ablation).
We present a novel case of a...
EP Lab Digest
Use of Novel Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device in Case of Difficult Left Atrial Appendage Anatomy
Case Study

Senthil Thambidorai, MD1,2; Som A. Bailey, MD1; Rodney P.  Horton, MD2; Andrea Natale, MD2

1Medical City Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas;
2Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute, Austin, Texas

Senthil Thambidorai, MD1,2; Som A. Ba...
We describe a patient with difficult LAA anatomy that was overcome using the WATCHMAN FLX, when the older-generation device could not be implanted.
We describe a patient with difficult LAA anatomy that was overcome using the WATCHMAN FLX, when the older-generation device could not be implanted.
We describe a patient with...
EP Lab Digest
Use of Closed Loop Stimulation for Rate-Responsive Pacing in an AAI Pacemaker
Case Study

Robyn Meyrick, BSc

Cardiac Physiology, Torbay Hospital; Torbay, United Kingdom

Robyn Meyrick, BSc Cardiac Physiolog...
There is limited information and data on the use of Closed Loop Stimulation (CLS, BIOTRONIK) in myocardial regions not at the right ventricular (RV) apex. In fact, we found only 1 case study using CLS derived from the atrium.1 Thus, we looked...
There is limited information and data on the use of Closed Loop Stimulation (CLS, BIOTRONIK) in myocardial regions not at the right ventricular (RV) apex. In fact, we found only 1 case study using CLS derived from the atrium.1 Thus, we looked...
There is limited information and...
EP Lab Digest


Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy Requiring Ablation via Septals From Both Left and Right Coronary Arteries — A Case Report and Review of Literature
Case Study

Mohammed Alomar, MD; Peyman Naji, MD; Saurabh Kapoor, MD; Gautam Visvesvaran, MD; Marc Cohen, MD

Mohammed Alomar, MD; Peyman Naji, MD;...
We describe a case in which septal perforators from the left and right coronary arteries were utilized and review current literature on the management of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. 
We describe a case in which septal perforators from the left and right coronary arteries were utilized and review current literature on the management of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. 
We describe a case in which...
EP Lab Digest
Electroanatomical Mapping-Guided Endomyocardial Sampling in a Case of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy
Case Study

Omair K. Yousuf, MD; Ibrahim M. Saeed, MD; Brett W. Sperry, MD

Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute, University of Missouri, Kansas City – School of Medicine, Kansas City, Missouri

Omair K. Yousuf, MD; Ibrahim M. Saeed...
EAM-guided endomyocardial biopsy is a safe, efficient, and feasible strategy when a diagnosis remains inconclusive based on clinical and imaging characteristics.
EAM-guided endomyocardial biopsy is a safe, efficient, and feasible strategy when a diagnosis remains inconclusive based on clinical and imaging characteristics.
EAM-guided endomyocardial biopsy...
EP Lab Digest
