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LETTER TO THE EDITOR S-Plasty Method for Secondary Scar Revision After Flap Surgery

Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Shimpei Ono, MD, PhD, Sandeep J. Sebastin, MCh (Plast), Rei Ogawa, MD, PhD, Hiko Hyakusoku, MD, PhD
June 2011
S-Plasty Method for Secondary Scar Revision After Flap Surgery
Shimpei Ono, MD, PhD,a Sandeep J. Sebastin, MCh (Plast),b Rei Ogawa, MD, PhD,a Hiko Hyakusoku, MD, PhDa

aDepartment of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan; and bDepartment of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery, National University Health System, Singapore.


Dear Sir,

We would like to present the use of the S-plasty method for revising the inset of a flap. Occasionally, the inset of a flap results in a depressed scar at the junction between the flap and the normal skin. This scar is further accentuated in a bulky flap. An S-plasty was designed over the depressed portion of the scar (Fig. 1). The S-plasty involves making a series of small-wave like incisions that are approximately 0.5 to 1.0 cm in length. The scar measured 6.5 cm preoperatively and the immediate postoperative length was 8 cm. Figure 2 shows the late postoperative appearance.

Figure 1. Design of S-plasty over the depressed scar at the junction of abdominal flap and normal skin.
Figure 2. Postoperative appearance at 6 months.

The lengthening in an S-plasty is based on the so-called “accordion effect” whereby a curvilinear “S” is stretched out linearly. The degree of lengthening that occurs in an S-plasty can be calculated by a mathematical formula (Fig. 3). If the length of the scar is “L,” the length of the revised scar “L1” will be approximately 1.2 × L.

Figure 3. Maximal lengthening of scar obtained in a S-plasty.

The W-plasty is also based on the “accordion effect,” whereby the limbs of the W spread apart to increase length of the scar thus relieving tension. However, this method leaves noticeable zig-zag scars and requires the resection of normal skin (Fig. 4). To overcome these problems, Hyakusoku et al1 introduced the “S-plasty” method in 2004. This method maintains the lengthening of the scar by the accordion effect, avoids the zig-zag scars of the W-plasty, and requires minimal resection of normal skin. We have previously used this technique to treat long linear hypertrophic scars of the suprapubic lesion with excellent results.

Figure 4. Comparison of W-plasty and S-plasty techniques.


1. Hyakusoku H, Ogawa R. The small-wave incision for long keloids. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004;111:964-5.

Journal ID: ePlasty Volume: 11
ISSN: 1937-5719 E-location ID: e31
Publisher: Open Science Company, LLC Published: June 27, 2011


